Saturday, March 31, 2012

Total dismissed gas fears hours before rig leak - union

[ [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP/David Goldman', ], [ [['Can you create commerce in order to regulate it', 9]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP/Charles Dharapak', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Youth Hockey Open Registration | Malden Sports & Recreation ...

199 Coleridge St, East Boston, MA | Get?Directions??

Registration for Malden/East Boston Youth Hockey (MEB) will be held on Saturday, March 31, 2012, at the Porrazzo Memorial Skating Rink in East Boston, at Constitution Beach, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON.

The cost for registration is $50, and we are accepting applications for the full range of levels in the program from Learn to Skate (age 4 or older) through our 'Midget' level that runs to age 18 (birth year 1994).

Our league has seen increased enrollment this year in the younger levels, and we are always open to others joining the league.? Tuition fees for MEB Youth Hockey have remained the same for the past three years, during times when many others have raised fees to cover increasing costs.? We have experienced a resurgence of interest in the sport and in our league over the past few years, and look forward to more of the same next season.

For additional information, please see our website under "Player Development" at .






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Health and Fitness Is A Choice Just As Sickness and Disease Is A ...

After 25 years of research studying the affects lifestyle and diet on the pH of the blood, I have learned that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic in all of its functions. If one can maintain the delicate alkaline pH of all the body fluids bathing every cell from within and from without at 7.365 then life will continue without pain, suffering, sickness or disease.

Louis Pasteur?s germ theory has become a curse. Antoine BeChamp an adversary to Pasteur and his germ theory for scientific fraud said this about the germ theory, "there is nothing so false that does not contain some element of truth, and so it is with the germ theory." The germ theory is the controlling medical idea for the world. In Pasteur?s day, and ever since, othdr proposed theories about the cause of disease have fallen on death ear because they have tended to contradict that paradigm. NO matter how simple and logical an idea about the cause of disease, if it does not promote the concept of invasion of germs and their specific cures it does not fit into the medical paradigm.

More importantly, the germ theory has become a curse because it has encouraged individuals to give up responsibility for their own health over to the medical community. If germs cause disease it stands to reason that control belongs to the medical community whose tireless researchers spend trillions of our money to find the right pill or potion to annihilate disease-causing germs.

This quest to cure disease through medication is at the heart of modern allopathic medicine and the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. It is a quest that persists despite evidence indicating that airborne germs do not cause the disease for which they are credited.

After more than a century of trying, the Pasteurian germ theory has utterly failed in the quest to a cure for any disease. All major degenerative diseases are on the increase, as are so called infectious diseases which are not infectious at all. Every year, old symptoms are given new names ? names like MS for polio, AIDS for poor sanitation, poor nutrition, poor lifestyle choices and drug use, Epstein-Barr virus for connective tissue disorders like fibramyalgia ? to make them appear to be the work of a new germ. Unless we turn this nonsense around, the human race could become extinct like the dinosaurs from the treatments of modern medicine to kill a non- threatening or phantom germ.

If we want to find the cure for disease we need only to look at our dietary and lifestyle choices. If you heed the ignored, even rejected discoveries of Pasteur?s peers and scientists of the 19th and 20th century, adding those to my own disboveries, you will learn the true cause of disease.

Until the medical community starts looking at causes rather than devoting its time looking for cures, and until we start taking responsibility for our own lifestyle and dietary choices, I believe the human race is in trouble of becoming extinct.

Dr. Benjamin Rush, Physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 said this: "Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship, To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic."

Where does life begin? In the womb or the grail, the holy grail, in the amniotic fluid, in a 98.6 F, one percent water and salt solution or 1 part salt to 100 parts water. This solution is called the sol. This natural salt solution, called "sol" is from the origin of the word, directly connected to the word "soul". What we call "sol" for our salt solution (a solution of two in one- no more polarity), was believed by the ancient Celtics to represent our soul, as the soul originated, in their belief, from the ocean where we are all born from the same fluids, arising from the same "sol" a solution of salt and water.

Our body in its wholeness is an ingenious creation of nature, It has been given all mechanisms to not only sustain its life but also to create new life. Every healthy person has innate regulatory mechanisms to maintain its alkaline design and self-healing powers, which ensure or reestablish the natural balance of the bodily functions, the homeostasis. It is not the doctor that heals us, nor the medication, but our own innate alkaline regulatory mechanisms. Our body is able to fully regenerate itself. Therefore, it is advised to use great discernment before labeling any disease as "incurable" or "untreatable." If doctors come to the conclusion that a disease in incurable, they would be more accurate in saying that with their knowledge and experience, they are not able to offer any further help. The word "incurable" conveys fear, or false evidence appearing real, which stifles and weakens our body?s innate alkaline mechanism.

Bio-chemically speaking Health is all about alkaline balance. Bio-energetically speaking Health is all about energy. Vibrating energy is the origin of matter and the origin of life. And matter is nothing more than organized energy.

In 1984, the Swiss physicist Dr. Carlos Rubbia, received the Nobel prize for discovering a mathematically calculable natural constant with which he could calculate the ratio of mass particles (matter) in relation to navigating energy particles, The ratio of matter to energy that forms matter is 1 to 9,746 to the power of 108 or about 1 to 1,000,000,000 which means it takes one billion energy units to create one single unit of matter in a materialized tangible form. Isn?t interesting that we for the most part, preoccupy ourselves with only 1 billionth part of reality: that which is in a material form and can be seen and touched. We fail to see the far greater amount of energy particles it took to materialize our reality. This revolutionary scientific discovery shows us clearly that every form of matter is subject to higher energetic interactions and subject to change of form and function.

When we analyze the energy content of any form of matter, we arrive at its smallest part, the atom and its protons, electrons and neutrons. There is ongoing movement without any contact- nothing tangible, just pure vibrating energy. This vibrating energy creates a frequency, which can be measured, a so-called wave length which can be seen using my photon interference photography. Every form of matter is characterized as a specific frequency spectrum. And each frequency spectrum can be measured using a decibel meter. All organized matter is nothing more than organized energy that gives off a specific frequency and a specific sound which can be measured and heard. When we turn on a light or an electrical device we can see the energy but we cannot perceive the electrical current itself, but we except its existence. This same materially non-perceivable electricity, this energy, flows through our body fluids especially our blood. Every one of us has enough measurable electrical current flowing through us to light up a 100 watt light bulb.

Life/light = energy and energy = information or intelligence. Everything that exists not only exists as energy but also as a carrier of information or intelligence, whether it is a human being, a form of food or drink, or a rock. Life is a constant exchange of energy and intelligence and the best place to view this life energy is in the live and dried blood.

Plasma which is 92% water is a good example for showing how matter as energy is transformed when additional energy is added or subtracted. Water has three different distinct bodies or states: solid, liquid and gaseous. Ice is frozen water or like the thickening of the blood. We can see it and feel its coolness. By adding energy in the form of heat to the ice it transforms back into a liquid. When we add more energy to the water it begins to boil and the molecules start moving faster and faster that they begin to transform into steam and become gaseous. This transformation of organized energy as matter from one form to another is know as biological or energetical transformation or also referred to as pleomorphism.

Energy and intelligence are identical.

Every form of energy has a specific wavelength

Every wavelength has its individual content of intelligence

There are no accidents in the order of Nature

Meanwhile, we know of about 40,000 different diseases and the list is growing that are treated by the 1,200 different allopathic specialty fields with 58,000 different kinds of allopathic preparations or medicines. However, the word diseases in the plural form, is not a accurate. Have you ever heard of "healths"? We are either healthy or ill. This illness signals a lack of energy and shows up in the form of a symptom. To represent a symptom as an illness is technically and scientifically inaccurate. The symptom is merely the intelligent cry of the energetically defective and suffering body, crying out for help. And normally, the body turns to a weakened organ to give us a hint, through a symptom, that things are not in order.

Our bodies either hum or honk Upset stomachs or high blood pressure or high blood sugars is the body honking. The honks of our bodies are telling us there is a state of pH or energetic imbalance.

Why does pH balance or pH Homeostasis define good health?

pH balance or pH homeostasis in humans commonly refers to the internal balance of the body?s electro-magnetic and chemical systems in response to the changing conditions of the external world and the changing conditions of the internal world. The word homeostasis comes from the Greek words: "homeo" means similar or "alki" or "alkaline" and "stasis" means a tendency toward maintaining stability. There are many homoeostatic mechanisms in our bodies that help maintain this balance and our state of health is directly related to the health of these mechanisms. pH homeostasis is maintained by dynamic processes of feedback and regulation. pH homeostasis has only one objective: to preserve the beneficial conditions of life in the internal alkali environment. Every day we are bombarded with external influences that threaten that balanced internal alkaline pH environment. Some of these threats include becoming too hot or too cold, eating too much or eating acidic foods or drinks, breathing polluted air and being exposed to chemicals over a period of time.

Our cells, especially the red blood cells can only survive when our bodies are strong enough to maintain pH homeostasis or to regain it quickly after we have been exposed to toxic environmental threats. Some of the pH homoeostatic mechanisms in the body include temperature regulation, dilation of the eye, blood composition, heart rate, blood pressure, water content, blood sugar level, mineral relationships, and of course the acid/alkaline balance of our body fluids. An essential feature of these mechanisms is that they enable the red blood cells, the tissue which is a product of the red blood cells and the whole of the organism, also a product of blood, to adapt to changes in both internal and external environmental conditions. If the pH homoeostatic mechanisms are impaired the body loses its ability to regulate these mechanisms. By looking at living blood using a compound microscope we can view the quality of the red blood cell, its environment and how well the body is managing these pH homoeostatic mechanisms. The interdependence and close coordination of the many bodily functions, which work so well when we are in alkaline balance or health, may be upset by a chain reaction when any part of the system breaks down from metabolic acids which have not been properly eliminated through, respiration, perspiration or urination. If this chain reaction is too drastic, the red blood cells and body cells will become acidic and begin to biologically transform into other cellular forms ? like bacteria or yeast.

The normal state of health is not a static condition, but a coordination response of many systems and mechanisms. Fluctuations occur within a very narrow pH range. An imbalance of a point or two on the acid/alkaline pH scale is extremely disruptive to health. A few percentiles of variation of oxygen concentration in the blood can impair function. In the bloodstream, the slightest changes can be observed in the structures of the red and white blood cells, the level of cellular debris, the creation of cholesterol or calcium crystals, etc. If the blood sugar content is continually elevated due to body cell transformation or breakdown, the body chemistry becomes upset. An infinitesimal deficiency of sodium, calcium, potassium or magnesium, the alkaline buffers of the body can cause a problem in the function of many body parts.

We must keep our pH homoeostatic mechanism strong so that we can deal effectively with our world. If we are humming and the process of pH homeostasis is orderly, life continues; if we are honking and m pH homeostasis is continually being disrupted, our health is in jeopardy.

pH Homeostasis is a bit like balancing the books in accounting. It si maintained by balancing inputs with outputs.

How well we adapt in health and sickness is largely a function of the pH homoeostatic mechanism. The body?s chemistry response to such subtle changes that a negative thought, an acidic food or drink, or eating too much food can be a problem for maintaining balance.

In 1988 an article of the New England Journal of Medicine stated that, "most major chronic disease probably results from the accumulation of environmental factors over time in genetically susceptible people."

In 1965, Rene Dubos, a medical historian and philosopher, pointed out that the body is imperfect in its attempts to adapt and maintain pH homeostasis. She said, "the mechanisms involved in regulating homeostasis don not always return the body?s functions to their original state. They can be misdirected. The body only has the ability to adapt to insults for so long. When it can no longer adapt , degeneration sets in. Health is the state that the body attains when an individual responds adaptively and restores the body to its original integrity."

The term "homeostasis" was coined in the mid-1920's by the American physiologist, Walter B. Cannon. But he was building on a concept of balance that dated back to ancient Western, Eastern, and Middle Eastern civilizations.

The balance equals good health equation was first suggested by Hippocrates (460-375 BC) and the ancient Greeks. Hippocrates considered health to be a state of harmonious balance and disease a state of disharmony. He and his contemporaries believed that harmony and balance existed between organs, between bodily fluids, and between body and soul. When the body is out of harmony and balance, illness occurs.

Hippocrates studied the entire patient in his or her environment, noting the effects of climate, food, and occupation on health. "Our natures are the physicians of our diseases, " he said, describing the healing forces we all have within us as the healing power of Nature. It was the physician?s objective to restore harmony with food, exercise, rest, and with medicinal remedies designed to remove the harmful acidic excesses. This conservative approach was designed to let nature do the healing and above all, as Hippocrates said, "to first do no harm."

The Greeks ideas on equilibrium and health evolved further under the philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). He felt that a healthy body worked through what he described as a hemostat, a device that returns the body to a state of equilibrium even when it is subjected to stimuli that disturbs this balance. Everything is tied to this state of equilibrium, including the psyche and emotions, and nothing could be regarded as a separate component. To lead a healthy life, the condition of balance had to be maintained, This could only be achieved if the body had an adequate feedback system, a means by which signals were transmitted to different parts of the body to help move it back into balance when it moved too far off alkaline center.

This psychological viewpoint was shared by another philosopher, Epicurus (341-270 BC). In his writing he referred to psychological stress and suggested that an individual?s quality of life could be improved by coping with what we would now describe as emotional stressors.

As early as about 120 AD in India, Eastern philosophers had reached similar ideas about the importance of balance in health. A general medical textbook from that time, the Caraks, described health as a balance of bodily elements know as dhatus, and a happy mental state called prasana.

The Middle Eastern approach incorporated the Hindu teachings with the Greco-Roman medical doctrine. Being base upon both religious and philosophical ideas, Islamic healing involved both body and soul.

Over 1000 years later, during the Middle Ages in Europe, good health was still linked to this notion of balanced physical, emotional, and spiritual state. To help people achieve this state, European hospitals were set up by religious orders and attached to abbeys, monasteries, and convents. Doctors prescribed diet, rest, sleep, exercise, and salt baths.

In 1600 Thomas Sydenham had begun classifying diseases, even though he believed disease was a result of imbalance, consistent with Hippocrates and Galen.

In 1628 Harvey traced the circulation of the blood, arguably perhaps the single greatest achievement in medicine.

In 1753 James Lind showed that Scurvy could be reversed with the limes that contain limonene - an antitoxic or antacid.

Doctors began to lose their way in 1796. In 1796 Benjamin Rush observed that all fevers were associated with flushed skin, he concluded that this was caused by distended capillaries and reasoned that the proximate cause of fever must be abnormal "convulsive action" in these vessels. He took this a step further and conclude that all fevers resulted from disturbances of capillaries and since the capillaries were part of the circulatory system, he concluded that a hypertension of the entire circulatory system was involved. Rush proposed to reduce this convulsive action by "depletion" or bleeding. A reminder that the medical establishment?s acceptance of bleeding exists today in the name of the

British Journal "The Lancet" one of the leading medical journals in the world. Today bleeding is called phlebotomy.

Also, In 1796 Edward Jenner took the pus from the runny sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his "patients. He thought that since pus is seen routinely in all kinds of wounds, pus was seen as a necessary part of healing.

In 1788 vaccinia was the bacteria that medical science suggested caused cowpox.

In 1830 the development of the first modern day achromatic microscope.

In 1835, Harvard?s Jacob Bigelow argued in a major address that in "the unbiased opinion of most medical men of sound judgement and long experience . . . the amount of death and disaster in the world would be less, if all disease were left to itself."

In 1840 Jacob Henle in his essay, "On Miasmata and Contagia" first formulated the modern germ theory. He suggested that disease seem to germinate, grow and spread ? like a first point or origin, a seed, a bacterium. The germ theory said that minute living organism invade the body, multiply and cause disease and that a specific germ causes a specific disease.

In 1850 Samule Thomson said, " May the time soon come when men and women will become their own priest, physicians and lawyers ? when self-government, equal rights and moral philosophy will take the place of all popular crafts of every description . . False theory and hypothesis constitute nearly the whole art of medicine."

In 1860 Louis Pasteur suggested that living organisms, not a chemical chain reaction caused fermentation, winning converts to the germ theory.

In 1881 an American scientist George Sternberg was the first to isolate the fungus, pneumococcus and the first to observe the white blood cells engulfing bacteria, a key to understanding the immune system.

In 1882 a German, Robert Koch isolated the tubercle bacillus and declared it as the bacterium that caused tuberculosis that further confirmed the germ theory of Pasteur.

In 1884, German scientist Friedrich Loeffler isolated the diphtheria bacillus from throats of patients, grew it on a special medium (labs today call this Loeffler?s serum slope to grow the bacteria from suspected cases), and began carful experiments in animals that took several years. His work suggested that the bacteria themselves did not kill; the danger came from a toxin, diptherium, an acidic poison that the bacteria excreted as a waste product from sugar metabolism.

In 1885 Max von Pettenkofer insisted that Koch?s bacteria were only one of many factors in the causation of disease. His dispute with Koch became increasingly bitter and passionate. Petterkofer determined to prove himself right, prepared test tubes thick with lethal cholera bacteria. Then he and several of his students drank them down. All survived. Petterkofer claimed victory that germs do not cause disease.

In 1889 Pasteur?s proteges, Emile Roux and Alexandre Yersin grew broth thick with diphtheria bacteria and used compressed air to force broth through a filter of unglazed porcelain. The filter was designed by Charles Chamber land, a physicist working with Pasteur; though only a tool, the filter itself would prove to be immensely important. NO bacteria or solids could pass through the porcelain. Only liquid could. They then sterilized this liquid. It still killed. That proved that bacteria, an insoluble could not kill, but a soluble, an acidic toxin did the KILLING.

The cure from diphtheria was not in killing the bacteria but neutralizing the acids or excretions from the bacteria.

In 1900 Frederick Gates and intellect and Baptist Minister and an assistant to John D. Rockefeller, saw an opportunity to exploit the medical field because of its admitted uncertainty and ignorance of the time. He had organized many business ventures for the Rockfellers? and convinced John D Rockefeller to open the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. The Rockefeller Institute saw medicine itself as its field from its earliest existence scientists studying disease based upon the germ theory of Pasteur.

In 1901, William Henry Welch was hired by John D. Rockefeller to set up the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. William Henry Welch was steeped in the germ theory and established its strong hold on the medical model. You might call Dr. Welch the Father of American Medicine and the perpetrator of the Pasteurian Germ Theory.

After the civil war medicine had discovered drugs ? such as quinine, digitalis and opium of which Oliver Wendell Homes the physician Father of the Supreme Court justice said, "I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom fo the sea, it would be all the better for mankind ? and all the worse for the fishes."

In 1911, the head of the school training French army doctors in public health said that germs alone were "powerless to create an epidemic." But it was too late, this particular view was now considered simply a minority opinion. The germ theory now had its hold on the governments of the world!

In 1911, the medical establishments made up a story that Peyton Rous discovered a bacteria that caused cancer and received a Noble Prize for his discovery posthumous in 1966. This gave rise to the term virus named after Peyton Rous?s bacteria. Peyton Rous never suggested this in any of his research that his bacteria caused disease let alone cancer. This story gave rise to a new group of bacteria called filterable bacteria that the medical community now refers to as virus - beginning 1996. There is NO scientific evidence that shows that virus?s have ever caused ANY disease.

These ideas of balance were some distance from those of earlier societies that ascribed illness to the supernatural powers they believed governed their lives. The Babylonians, the Egyptians, the ancient Americans saw disease as an entity unto itself, a potent demon that struggled to dominate, attacked, penetrated, and possibly even killed its unfortunate host.

Offend the Gods, an ancestor, or an evil witch and be struck down as punishment. Lead a sinful life and you were tempting fate.

Of course, we perceive that these ideas about disease are no longer widely believed, which makes it all more the ironic that Pasteur?s germ theory has had and still has a stranglehold on 19th, 20th and now 21st century medicine. As medical writer Alberto Seguin described in an article entitled, "The Concept of Disease," the demonic idea of disdase reached its full height with the germ theory. It became possible to bring together rational and scientific thought with irrational tendency to personalize disease. The germ in what ever name it is called, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Hunta, HIV, Anthrax, SARS and now AVIAN, are the scientific demon, the curse, the lie and the fraud that is said to attack and kill!

If we will consider disease as a symptom of disease not the cause, then the germ is nothing more than an expression of imbalance and a biological transformation of what use to be organized to that which is changing into a new form. This was my discovery in 1994. I witnessed biological transformation as seen on pg. 126 of my book "Sick and Tired" the transformation of a rod bacteria back into a red blood cell and then back into a bacterial rod. I knew for the first time that bacteria was not a demon, not an entity but a transformation, a new formation of a preceding form. Not the cause of disease but the expression of a change in the internal environment which had given rise to change. For several years I felt alone in this discovery until I learned of the works of the giants that proceeded me that had their finger on the magic of life.

Claude Bernard (1813-1878) "The terrain is everything the germ is nothing." And upon the death bed of Louis Pasteur admitting to Claude Bernard that he was right in 1895.

Antoine BeChamp (1816-1908) "Disease is born in us and from us."

Florence Nightingale - ` famous nurse (1820 -1910)

Mathias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann (1839)

Gunther Enderlein ((1872- 1968)

Walter B. Cannon (1871-1945) "Only by understanding the wisdom of the body shall we attain the mastery of disease and pain that will enable us to relieve the burden of the people."

Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971)

Wilhelm Reich (1897 - 1957)

Gaston Naessans (1924-2005)

Philosophically speaking, Pasteur had an ally in Napoleon III, who came to power in 1852. The Emperor believed in a police state and in using complete control to rule. Pasteur?s mechanistic idea of disease, finding the right cure for each germ, fit into this philosophy of control.

Giving the responsibility to the any government to cure disease is giving up control. It takes responsibility ? and power ? away from the individual. In the words of Antoine BeChamp, "there is nothing so false that does not contain some element of truth and so it is with the germ theory."

One of six of us will become diabetic

One of three of us will develop cancer

One of two of us will develop cardiovascular disease

One of six couples will suffer from unexplained infertility.

One of seven women in the US will develop breast cancer.

We need to get out to the disease business. If we want to understand health, energy and vitality then we need to study the people who are healthy. Over the last 25 years I have been studying health and how it relates to the blood. Viewing live and dried blood is the pinnacle of understanding health and how to achieve health with alkaline foods, drinks, exercise, breathing, getting adequate rest, etc.

Now, I pray and hope that you will realize that we are all responsible for our own health ? you alone. A medical practitioner can only help to relieve symptoms. Ultimately, you are the one who has to take charge. Health is a choice just as disease is a choice. You are responsible for what goes into your mouth and what comes out of your mouth, as well as for what you think, feel and do. Health is all about choices and consequences.

The health and energy of the human organism is the knowledge that are bodies are alkaline by design and acidic by function and the best way to maintain that alkaline design is through an alkaline lifestyle and diet.


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Friday, March 30, 2012

France detains 19 suspected Islamist extremists

France's President and candidate for the Presidential Election 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy, delivers his speech during a campaign meeting, in Nimes, southern France, Thursday, March 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Claude Paris)

France's President and candidate for the Presidential Election 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy, delivers his speech during a campaign meeting, in Nimes, southern France, Thursday, March 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Claude Paris)

Relatives use shovels after Mohamed Merah's funeral ceremony in a cemetery near Toulouse, southern France, Thursday, March 27, 2012. Mohamed Merah is blamed for a series of deadly shootings which have shocked France and upended the country's presidential race. Merah, who claimed allegiance to al-Qaida, died in a hail of gunfire one week ago after a dramatic 32-hour-long standoff with law enforcement. Algerian authorities said they didn't want to take Mohamed Merah's remains, as his Algerian-born father had wanted. (AP Photo/Marthial Roland)

Relative use shovels after Mohamed Merah's funeral ceremony in a cemetery near Toulouse, southern France, Thursday, March 27, 2012. Mohamed Merah is blamed for a series of deadly shootings which have shocked France and upended the country's presidential race. Merah, who claimed allegiance to al-Qaida, died in a hail of gunfire one week ago after a dramatic 32-hour-long standoff with law enforcement. Algerian authorities said they didn't want to take Mohamed Merah's remains, as his Algerian-born father had wanted. (AP Photo/Marthial Roland)

Relatives react by the coffin of Mohamed Merah during his funeral ceremony near Toulouse, southern France, Thursday, March 27, 2012. Mohamed Merah is blamed for a series of deadly shootings which have shocked France and upended the country's presidential race. Merah, who claimed allegiance to al-Qaida, died in a hail of gunfire one week ago after a dramatic 32-hour-long standoff with law enforcement. Algerian authorities said they didn't want to take Mohamed Merah's remains, as his Algerian-born father had wanted. (AP Photo/Marthial Roland)

Relatives react by the coffin of Mohamed Merah during his funeral ceremony near Toulouse, southern France, Thursday, March 27, 2012. Mohamed Merah is blamed for a series of deadly shootings which have shocked France and upended the country's presidential race. Merah, who claimed allegiance to al-Qaida, died in a hail of gunfire one week ago after a dramatic 32-hour-long standoff with law enforcement. Algerian authorities said they didn't want to take Mohamed Merah's remains, as his Algerian-born father had wanted. (AP Photo/Marthial Roland)

(AP) ? French police detained 19 people Friday as they launched a crackdown on suspected Islamist extremists in cities around the country, President Nicolas Sarkozy said, promising more raids to come.

Tensions are high following a spate of killings in southern France by a radical Islamist that left seven people dead and two wounded and ended up with police killing the gunman last week after a 32-hour standoff.

But French Interior Minister Claude Gueant told journalists "there is no known link" between those detained Friday and Mohamed Merah, the 23-year-old Frenchman who claimed responsibility for the shootings in Toulouse and Montauban.

Sarkozy gave no details about the reasons for Friday's arrests.

"It's in connection with a form of Islamist radicalism," Sarkozy said on Europe-1 radio. "There will be other operations that will continue and that will allow us to expel from our national territory a certain number of people who have no reason to be here."

Sarkozy said he didn't know whether the 19 detainees were part of any network.

A police investigator told The Associated Press that the anti-terrorist unit of the Criminal Brigade detained five men before dawn in Paris who had suspected links to an Islamist movement. Weapons were also seized, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with the department's rules.

The other arrests took place in Toulouse, Marseille, Nantes and Lyon, the official said.

In Nantes, Mohammed Achamlane, the head of Forsane Alizza, a radical Muslim group that formed two years ago, was among the detained. French officials had banned the group in February.

Merah, who espoused radical Islamist views and said he had links to al-Qaida, was buried near Toulouse on Thursday.

Three Jewish schoolchildren, three paratroopers and a rabbi were killed in the worst terrorist attacks in France since the 1990s, slayings that revived concerns about homegrown Islamist radicals.

Public order and security are high up on the agenda as Sarkozy seeks reelection in the upcoming presidential poll that kicks off April 22.

"It's our duty to guarantee the security of the French people. We have no choice. It's absolutely indispensable," he said Friday

French Muslims have worried about a backlash after Merah's attacks, and French leaders have urged the public not to equate Islam with terrorism.

But concerns about radical Islam are high and the government on Thursday banned several international Muslim clerics from entering France for a conference of the UOIF, a fundamentalist Islamic group. The clerics were of Palestinian, Egyptian and Saudi origin.

"These people call for hatred and violence and seriously violate the principles of the Republic, and in the current context, seriously risk disrupting public order," the foreign ministry said.

Sarkozy said earlier these clerics would not be "welcome" as their views are incompatible with French values.

The leader of France's right-wing National Front party, Marine Le Pen, went even further Friday, calling for the complete dissolution of the UOIF and saying it is thought to have links with "terrorists."

"Drastic measures must be taken against radical Islam," she said in a statement.

The UOIF responded by saying that Thursday's ban "deeply hurts the Muslim community and reinforces the blending in public opinion" between moderate Muslims and extremists.

"Our group combines a peaceful way of practicing religion with republican citizenship," it said.

One of those banned, the Egyptian-born Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, is widely respected throughout the Middle East and has a popular weekly TV show on Islamic law on the Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera.

But because of his suspected extremist links, the 86-year-old cleric has been banned from the United States and refused entry into Britain.

In the Islamic world, al-Qaradawi has been criticized by more conservative scholars for allowing men and women to study together, encouraging Western Muslims to participate in their democracies and condemning al-Qaida's Sept. 11 attacks.

Associated Press


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Nokia's Lumia 800 firmware update juices handsets, banishes battery issues

Nokia updates Lumia 800, is the mythical battery enhancing update you've been waiting for
Still holding out on Nokia to squash any lingering battery bugs lurking inside your Lumia 800's beautiful shell? For some of you, today's your lucky day, as Espoo's just released a fresh batch of bits, which bring "significant improvements in battery performance and power management." We've seen version 1600.2487.8107 make the rounds once before, but previously when it was a Vodafone-branded variant -- which you may recall WPCentral discovered was responsible for an impressive 3x improvement (!) in battery life. Enhancements to audio are present in the build as well, with the company tweaking bass for "better voice quality" and your music enjoyment. Those ready to update should peep the Zune desktop software, although Nokia cautions not everyone will will get updated today, as coordinating across multiple carriers in different markets is like "herding sheep," resulting in a multi-stage rollout in the coming four weeks. More details, including a video on how to update, await at the source.

Nokia's Lumia 800 firmware update juices handsets, banishes battery issues originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 28 Mar 2012 17:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Motorola Motoluxe now available in Romania

Android Central

Motorola announced today that the Motoluxe is now available on Cosmote and Germanos.  This follows the recent launches in France and Greece.  You'll see from our hands-on that the Motoluxe appears to be a decent midrange phone, so for those of you in Romania this might be something to look at.  Pricing starts at 29 lei (VAT included) with the Smart XXL 2-year subscription.  Without a subscription the phone will be 999 lei (VAT included).  Hit the source link for all the details.

Source: Motorola


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Building A List Is Crucial For Your Online Business ? ArticlePlatz ...

With Internet Marketing and advertising becoming so popular to so many folks these days, new strategies to market products are always popping up. New marketing skills continue to be created and it is becoming vitally important to know as much of this knowledge as possible. With the business world changing so much, a brand new business has begun, and that is Internet advertising strategies, and you will find many businesses that exist to help you develop your clientele for a fee.

As the services can be so expensive they?re out of reach for most Internet Marketers, nevertheless there are more successful people who utilize these regularly. You are able to of course use one simple method to help you build your own client base and that is by taking advantage of e-mail marketing. Obviously to be able to make this work you will need to be providing your subscribers with a thing that they believe is valuable. One technique of getting folks to sign up for your e-mail list is by offering them a free e book or guide. This all relies on a matter of numbers, since the more people on your list the more money you can possibly make. It?s additionally important to create a relationship with your subscribers simply because you want them to remain on your list simply because there?s always a chance they?re going to purchase something.

You might find it difficult to believe but there are individuals online who don?t build an e-mail list mainly because they feel they do not have the time or patience to do this. You need to obviously keep in mind that this is extremely important to build an e-mail list as this can practically guarantee your financial success in the future. Many individuals have already understood that a good sized e-mail list can help them get all of the traffic to their sites that they need. Figuring out the best ways to build a list can be discovered in many places on the internet, if you are only willing to look. You are going to discover a lot of different methods and methods in order to do this and you should apply as many as you can in order to build the largest list possible.

The very first thing you need to do is put a good web form on your web site that follows right after your content. You need to have your home page give a good impression so the website visitors will want to subscribe and you will want to make certain that your website loads fast, and keeps the visitors on your page. If your stats show that they?re leaving quickly, you will need to make some changes. If your site is interesting and provides valuable information there is a good chance these folks may tell others about your website. One more thing to bear in mind is that you don?t want to rent your list out to other men and women because depending on the message they receive the people on your list may simply unsubscribe from your list.

The reason successful Web Marketers tell you that you need to build a list is simply because this can be the most profitable way for you to succeed. For those of you who have not yet begun building your list you ought to recognize that there?s no time like the present.

This article has been written by the good folks at DK Locksmith, who are the most dependable Locksmith Lomita company in addition to being the most skilled Locksmith Long Beach service.


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First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank Promotes Use of DIFC ...

DUBAI, UAE, March 27, 2012/PRNewswire/ ?In a fast-changing global environment, practitioners across the financial services spectrum including those in the field of trust and estate planning are always looking for unique and innovative ways to meet their clients? needs.

First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCSIB) a licensed and regulated entity in the DIFC offering a complete suite of investment banking and wealth management services has strategically positioned itself to provide tailor made solutions for its clients and is capitalizing on the DIFC?s confirmed status as an important international financial centre which offers a stable country environment and world class legal and regulatory infrastructure.

?The DIFC which follows the common law enacted Trust law in 2005 after extensive study of existing trust law of jurisdictions around the globe?, says Anthony D?Aniello, Group Chief Operating Officer and Head of Wealth Management for FCSIB.

?The Law provides clarity and certainty which gives trust practitioners tremendous flexibility in meeting clients? needs. We at FCSIB offer Personal, Corporate and Charitable Trust services all tailor made for our clients. The structures can be conventional or Sharia Compliant,? continuous Mr. D?Aniello.

The Law also forms part of the legislation and service infrastructure at the DIFC designed to serve the needs of families, family business and family offices in the region and beyond. ?This is an important focus,? adds Mr. D?Aniello, ?as historically, most family-run businesses the world over do not survive past the third generation. Ensuring their survival and success is an important way to promote economic growth in the region and the vibrancy of the private sector and we at FCSIB take this very seriously.?

FCSIB is also positioning itself as the Trustee of Choice for Expatriate Employee Benefit Trusts in the UAE and surrounding areas. Since no pension legislation exists for non-national expatriate employees in the Gulf, Mr. D?Aniello sees this as an important opportunity in advising FCSIB?s corporate clients as he believes that this is a key way to attract and retain skilled expatriate personnel.

?FCSIB is in the process of launching a Charitable Trust which shall be entitled to receive Zakat, charitable donations and voluntary grants from individuals and institutions,? states Mr. D?Aniello. ?This charitable trust, he continuous, ?will be transparent following legal and regulatory international best practices and annual by published audited financial statements.?

For more information regarding FCSIB please visit http://www.fcswisscom

Source: First Capital of Switzerland Investment Bank (FCS)


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dog Grooming Dallas For Your Loved Pet Dogs | Kbuy Ruidoso

Dog grooming Dallas is an elemental part of taking care of your pet dog. There are several issues which are caught up in maintaining the condition of your dogs. Such would include bathing, clipping, dental hygiene and a lot more.

With dog grooming, the dog is kept clean and healthy. This is also a excellent way to bond with your pet dog. If you bond with the dog on a regular basis, you will be able to handle him by the book especially when it is time for his maintenance.

Simple commands such as sit, stand and stay should be followed by the dog to make this try a success. This is valuable since they are instructed to stay place or lie down when they are groomed. Your power is also practiced with this.

Make use of this try as a way to check if your dog is showing any signs of health problems or ailments. You will be able to solve any health problems if you are able to learn it earlier. This will also determine if he needs his vet.

So start these sessions as soon as you have your dog. Below are some tips and ways to make this process simpler for you. When cleaning the eyes, use damp cotton to remove any dirt or mucus. You can also make use of a long cotton bud in order to clean the ears of the dog. To make him feel and look clean, you should also wash his face on a regular basis. After you take your dog for a walk, also make sure that you clean his paws. With this, you can also check if there are fleas or ticks in between his paws.

Dog grooming Dallas is indeed valuable for your dog. This means taking extra care of your dog by keeping him clean. This can be hard to master, but all the efforts are worth it. dog grooming Dallas

Stop by our site to find out more dog grooming Dallas

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Get Prepared to Grow: a new perspective on the changing business ...

By guest blogger Yvo de Boer, Special Global Advisor, KPMG Global Climate Change and Sustainability Services

Over the past two decades, we have recognised that the way we do business has serious impacts on the world around us. It is now apparent that the state of the world affects the way we do business. The central challenge of our age ? maintaining human progress while minimising resource use and environmental decline ? can simultaneously be one of the biggest sources of future success for business.

Given the unprecedented natural resource scarcity, skyrocketing food prices, escalating energy security issues and an expected population?growth of up to 10 billion in 2100, the private sector is ever more challenged to overhaul its strategy and make its business models future proof. For example, if companies had to pay for the full environmental costs of their production, they would lose 41 cents for every US$1 in earnings on average. External ?off balance sheet? environmental costs of 11 key industry sectors (including upstream supply chain) rose by 50 percent between 2002 and 2010.

Government policies, investor values and consumer preferences are also altering rapidly, thus impacting businesses? bottom line and demanding a long-term vision, supported by immediate action. Is this forced by stakeholder demand, or primarily driven by sound entrepreneurship? It is up to each and every company to decide for itself.

Rather than attempting to survive risks resulting from global megaforces, business leaders can do much more. Indeed, with foresight and planning, and by undertaking pioneering actions to prepare for an uncertain future they can thrive by turning risks into new opportunities. Companies need to develop resilience and flexibility for an unpredictable future and build capacity to anticipate and adapt.

First and foremost, businesses need to fully assess and understand future sustainability risks, for example by integrating them into an Enterprise Risk Management tool, define their responses to deal with them, and analyse opportunities for efficiency, substitution or adaptation.

Integrated strategic planning and strategy development are needed as well, which requires business management to make sustainability central to their corporate strategy and incorporate it at all levels. Put simply, businesses must manage risks and capitalise on opportunities, by turning strategic plans and strategies into ambitious targets and actions. One can think of energy and resource efficiency improvements, sustainable supply chain management, investment into innovation on sustainable products and services, as well as gaining access to new markets for greener products, services and technologies. It is also imperative to explore tax incentives tailored to alternative energy, energy efficiency and other areas related to sustainability.

Another much discussed but less implemented tool to success in this area is measuring performance and reporting on sustainability, as well as the related benefits. The growing trend of integrated reporting is an example where companies are building frameworks for sustainability reporting processes, stronger information systems and appropriate governance and control mechanisms on a par with those currently used in financial reporting.

Organisations can?t do this alone. Collaboration with partners on sustainability issues is vital to enhance leverage and improve cost-benefit ratio of action. Business leaders should seek opportunities for genuine dialogue with governments and demonstrate new and innovative approaches to public-private partnerships. Improved dialogue could focus on economic instruments and market barriers that could be reduced to make sustainable business operation easier.?Good management used to be about preparing for the expected, now it is just as much about preparing for the unexpected.

Competitive advantage can be carved out of emerging risk. It is clearly no longer the question if we must transcend to a more sustainable economy. The question is the pace in which we are able, and especially willing, to achieve it.

To thrive, or even just to survive, businesses needs to understand the root causes of what affects their operations, not just the symptoms. The bold, the visionary and the innovative recognise that what is good for people and the planet will also be good for the long term bottom line and shareholder value. This is how we can make our common economy future proof.

Yvo de Boer was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 2006 ? 2010, the body responsible for a multi-lateral response to climate change.? In 2010, he joined the accountancy firm KPMG as its Special Global Advisor, Climate Change and Sustainability and Global Ambassador.? In 2011, he was appointed to chair the World Economic Forum?s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change.

Mr. De Boer will give a plenary presentation at Planet Under Pressure on Tuesday, March 27at 8:30 a.m. on Green Economic Development.?

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Friday, March 23, 2012

How the Health Care Debate Evolved (ABC News)

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Satarii Swivl

In the age of overnight YouTube stardom, the power and reach of online video has never been greater. But putting together an engaging clip can be a big challenge?especially if you're riding solo. That's where the Swivl ($179 direct) from Satarii comes in, improving hands-free video recordings with your smartphone or small digital camera. The Swivl is an easy-to-use, automated "personal cameraman" that keeps the action in frame so you can focus on your own performance. Though it's a bit on the expensive side, and occasionally hiccups when it comes to smoothness and accuracy, the Swivl is an able companion for the burgeoning Internet star in all of us.

Design, Setup, and Features
There are two main components to the Swivl: The rotating, motorized base and the wireless remote. Both resemble black, oblong pucks, with glossy plastic bodies and green highlights throughout. The base is the larger of the two, measuring about 5.5 by 4.2 by 1.5 inches (HWD) at its widest points. At 2.5 by 2 by .75 inches, the remote is small, but still noticeable on video?especially when fastened onto a shirt with the attached metal clip. The remote also has a built-in microphone for clear wireless audio recordings. Along the side of the dock and remote are battery compartments (2 AA's for the dock and 2 AAA's for the remote are included). There's also a microUSB port on the back of the base?it's for a forthcoming AC adapter and future firmware updates (though neither were available at the time of this writing).


The Swivl is made first and foremost for the iPhone 4 and 4S. It features a stowaway cable with 30-pin Apple dock connector for attaching your phone and using the companion app to access extra features. You can also use the Swivl with any smartphone measuring less than 11mm thick, as well as a small digital camera weighing less than six ounces, using the including tripod mount adapter. But you lose some of the controls and features on the iPhone?more on that in a bit.

There are two identical buttons on both the main base and the remote: Action and Record. Mount your device, press and hold the Record button on the base until the LED indicator turns red, then do the same on the remote?at this point both LEDs should turn green to indicate connection. For non-iPhone users, that's it as far as setup. Walk around and the Swivl will stay locked onto the remote. If you press and hold the Action button on the remote, it adjusts the angle of the arm and ensures proper framing.

The Swivl app for iPhones opens access to additional settings and features. These include toggling between Standard and Sport mode, choosing the audio input (iPhone or remote mic), toggling focus lock, and checking on the battery of both the base and remote. These must be done before you begin filming and cannot be accessed remotely. Pressing the Record button on the remote will, of course, start recording on the iPhone.

Setup was simple and straightforward, and within a few minutes the Swivl was dutifully following my every move. There's a lot to like about the Swivl, but it has its limitations. For the most part, the Swivl's motorized base locked onto the remote and followed me as I paced up and down a hallway. However, it's most accurate when there is a direct line of sight between the base and remote. It stuttered when objects were placed in between, or when the remote was placed inside pockets. The tilting arm was also much slower than the rotating base, and I often found myself exaggerating movements with the remote to get the right angle?not exactly ideal for making a seamless video. The rotation was not always smooth, with some stuttering even when the remote had a clear line of sight.

There are two modes for the Swivl base, Standard and Sport. Sport was definitely faster, and able to keep up with my awkward sprints up and down the aisles of the PCMag labs. However, with slower movements, the Sport mode was jerkier than Standard. Overall, though, the Swivl proved to be a capable and proficient automated cameraman.

The built-in microphone on the remote is a great bonus?adding a lavaliere mic without any additional hardware. I tried using the microphone on the iPhone, but the audio was too low and picked up far too much room noise. When using the remote mic, however, my voice came through loud and clear, even when standing a good distance away from the base.

I also tested the Swivl with some non-iPhone options. An 8.49mm thick Samsung Galaxy S II?fit into the adjustable arm, though it was a bit snug. The included camera mount worked well with a Canon PowerShot Elph 310 HS?(a compact point-and-shoot) and with a Samsung WB750?(a slightly heavier compact superzoom), but with the latter the Swivl was clearly laboring, and movement was not as snappy or responsive.

The big question with the Swivl is: What is it for? For one, the Swivl would be a great companion if you FaceTime or Skype often and want the freedom to do other tasks simultaneously. The Swivl is also ideal if you're looking to put together engaging video tutorials. Browse YouTube and you'll find an endless selection of poorly produced or boring videos. For the most part, these self-produced videos are limited to stationary speakers and standard cutaways. Aspiring chefs, for example, could move from station to station, prepping various parts of a meal, without ever having to go back and readjust the camera. Additionally, if you're looking to put together a skills tape for sports recruitment, the Swivl could make a useful companion. Obviously a real cameraman would be better, but not everyone has access to the proper resources.

All told, if you spend a lot of time making your own videos, the Swivl could be a worthwhile investment that will save you a lot of time and trouble when shooting solo. It's no substitute for professional video production, but it doesn't have to be. This one is for the YouTube and Skype generation?and for that, it will certainly suffice.?


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Reach Out To A Venture Capital Firm

IT problem, web design, venture capital

It is necessary to reach out to a venture capital firm if you just can?t get your project off the ground. Web design is an integral part of any project, but if you can?t get your business off the ground, then it might not work at all. An engineering error can also slow down your business. Any specialist that you hire should be a specialist in any potential IT problem that could arise. The two are interrelated. Capital is something you shouldn?t look into until the web design is done. There are too many companies out there that wait until the last minute to go out and start acquiring investment capital. These companies aren?t doing all that is possible to make sure that their business succeeds. They need to be working as hard as possible on their priorities and objectives and not trying to get involved in anything that doesn?t steer them toward that business. They can?t be detracted from their main goal in business. An errant IT problem can mess up your business too. Web hosting that is not tied to good venture capital can go sour as well. They all have to three work together to ensure that you are successful online. There cannot be one element missing from your plan. They all have to be in tow and working together along the same lines in order for you to be successful. If you are not working on all three simultaneously, then your business may run into problems in the future. Even one element that is not working in your website, can slow the whole thing down completely. Every good company should make sure all the bases are covered so that nothing can go wrong with the business. There shouldn?t be any element or part that is missing from the whole mix. Everything should flow and work in functional order. Nothing should be out of order or not work at all. It should just work together. An IT problem, web design error, or venture capital problem should be addressed at the highest levels of your business.


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