Monday, July 2, 2012

Rangel rival challenges primary results

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[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hague unsure of Syria deal over Russia-China dissent

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An error-eliminating fix overcomes big problem in '3rd-gen' genome sequencing

ScienceDaily (July 1, 2012) ? A quantitative biologist at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) and collaborators have published results of experiments that demonstrate the power of so-called single-molecule sequencing, which was recently introduced but whose use has so far been limited by technical issues.

The team, led by CSHL Assistant Professor Michael Schatz and Adam Phillippy and Sergey Koren of the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center and the University of Maryland (UMD), has developed a software package that corrects a serious problem inherent in the newest sequencing technology: the fact that every fifth or sixth DNA "letter" it generates is incorrect. The high error rate is the flip side of the new method's chief virtue: it generates much longer genome "reads" than other technologies currently used, up to 100 times longer, and thus can provide a much more complete picture of genome structure than can be obtained with current, "2nd-gen" sequencing technology.

Using mathematical algorithms, Schatz and the team have preserved the great advantage of the "3rd-gen" method while all but eliminating its chief flaw. They have reduced the error rate from about 15% or greater to less than one-tenth of one percent. This mathematical "fix" -- which has been published in open-source code to the World Wide Web -- greatly increases the practical utility of 3rd-gen sequencing for the entire biomedical research community. The team demonstrates the breadth of potential applications of single-molecule sequencing by applying their fix to sequencing tasks ranging from the tiny bacteriophage virus at one end of the difficulty scale to the large and vastly more complex genome of the parrot, at the other. The parrot genome is more than a third the size of the human genome and is published online July 1 with the team's paper in Nature Biotechnology. The parrot sequence is "far superior to that of any previously sequenced bird genome," Schatz says.

To understand why it is better is to appreciate the advantages of 3rd-gen sequencing. The main advantage has to do with the average length of each "read" (i.e., genome segments read by a sequencer). The individual sequences are assembled into "contigs" -- shorthand for contiguous sequences -- much the way pieces in a jigsaw puzzle are assembled. In currently used 2nd-gen technology, the contigs are very small, and are massively redundant. A "consensus" version of each segment, representing the results of many layered reads, tends to be extremely accurate. But the small size of puzzle pieces prevents accurate assembly of certain genome portions, like those containing long repetitive sequences.

Obtaining superior versions of complete genomes was the objective that motivated Schatz and his collaborators, who also include HHMI Investigator Erich D. Jarvis of Duke University and CSHL Professor W. Richard McCombie, a sequencing pioneer, among others.

Combining the best of both generations

With single-molecule sequencing, the assembled contigs are much longer -- affording a much better picture of relatively larger genome segments, including those occupied by lengthy repeats. This is what Schatz and his team wanted to preserve, while at the same time boosting the error-free rate. They did so by effectively taking the best of both 2nd- and 3rd-gen technologies.

"We call our approach 'hybrid error correction,'" Schatz explains.

The team's major insight was to take advantage of the long-read data offered by a 3rd-gen machine like that used in their experiments, a Pacific Biosciences RS sequencer, and mixing in highly accurate short reads obtained from a separate 2nd-gen sequencer. The two data types were run through an open-source genome assembly program called Celera Assembler to generate a clean final assembly that has proven 99.9% error-free and composed of contigs whose median size is at least double that obtainable with 2nd-gen "short-read" sequencers. Contig sizes are expected to increase appreciably in subsequent iterations of the hybrid approach as single molecule long-read sequencing improves.

High-quality genome assemblies are especially important for genome annotation and comparative genome analyses. Many microbial genome analyses depend on finished genomes, but their cost is prohibitive using older technologies. High-quality analysis of the genomes of higher organisms depends upon continuous sequences that capture long stretches of DNA that spell out genes. Discoveries in recent years of spontaneously occurring structural changes in genomes called copy number variations -- such as those made by CSHL Professor Mike Wigler and his team in their research on schizophrenia and autism -- make clear the importance of being able to obtain clean and accurate pictures of the entire genomes of affected individuals.

With hybrid error correction, Schatz and his colleagues have "demonstrated that high error rates associated with long reads need not be a barrier to genome assembly," he summarizes. "High-error long reads can be efficiently assembled in combination with complementary short reads to produce assemblies not previously possible."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sergey Koren, Michael C Schatz, Brian P Walenz, Jeffrey Martin, Jason T Howard, Ganeshkumar Ganapathy, Zhong Wang, David A Rasko, W Richard McCombie, Erich D Jarvis, Adam M Phillippy. Hybrid error correction and de novo assembly of single-molecule sequencing reads. Nature Biotechnology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nbt.2280

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Microsoft's Yammer Buy Raises Questions About NewsGator's Future

When NewsGator Technologies decided to play in the nascent enterprise social collaboration market a few years ago with a product that worked only with Microsoft's SharePoint, it was making a big bet.

It was gambling that by making a deeply integrated SharePoint add-on, it would carve a profitable niche that was different from the broader opportunity pursued by competitors with vendor-agnostic products.

Until last week, the gamble seemed to have paid off. NewsGator's Social Sites, launched in 2007, has 4 million paid seats and hundreds of Fortune 2000 customers. The client roster includes JP Morgan Chase, Kraft Foods and Barclays.

However, Microsoft's announcement this week that it is acquiring Yammer for US$1.2 billion has raised questions about NewsGator's future. If Microsoft fuses Yammer's product with SharePoint, will there still be a need for Social Sites?

Until now, Social Sites has been able to remain relevant because Microsoft never boosted its internal development of enterprise social capabilities in SharePoint to the point of replicating the functionality of the NewsGator product.

But with Yammer that could change.

NewsGator CEO J.B. Holston downplayed the concerns, saying Social Sites is better integrated with SharePoint and appeals to a different type of customer.

While Yammer is a multi-tenant, cloud-based software, Social Sites is designed for on-premise and dedicated hosted environments, offering IT more controls, he said.

"The fact that Microsoft now owns Yammer doesn't change the reasons why our clients came to us originally," he said, adding that most NewsGator customers aren't comfortable using this type of software in a multi-tenant cloud. "Our customers are hyper-focused on security, governance, scalability and privacy."

Nucleus Research's analyst Rebecca Wettemann said that NewsGator provides a level of integration with SharePoint and capabilities "beyond what Yammer does today."

"NewsGator has let enterprises have an enterprise-class social collaboration environment with broad governance and IT capabilities, as well as the social collaboration features customers are looking for," she said. "Social Sites is for large organizations that want to be able to manage their social collaboration applications like any other enterprise application."

Still, Yammer, which was founded in 2008 and has about 300 employees, also boasts adoption of its product by big enterprises. Its software is used by more than 5 million corporate users and in more than 85 percent of the Fortune 500 companies. It offers a basic free version of its software and three fee-based tiers. About 200,000 businesses use Yammer in more than 150 countries, including Deloitte, which rolled out Yammer to 190,000 employees. Yammer adds about 250,000 corporate end users every month. Other big customers include Tyco, Ford and Nationwide Insurance.

Microsoft was in close communication with NewsGator as soon as the Yammer acquisition rumors erupted in mid-June, and again this week after the deal became official, Holston said.

"Microsoft has told us: 'You guys are our premier social partner for the enterprise and we want you to be that for the long term,'" he said.

However, when asked for comment about NewsGator, Microsoft provided a statement that sounds less enthusiastic and supportive.

Asked whether it considers Social Sites the most tightly integrated enterprise social module for SharePoint, or at least one of the most integrated, Microsoft said: "We have a number of partners that use SharePoint as a platform to build high-value social solutions. NewsGator is one of these partners."

Asked to comment specifically on how the Yammer acquisition impacts Microsoft's relationship with NewsGator and the future of Social Sites, Microsoft said: "We have a number of partners offering strong connects to SharePoint for enterprise social. We have a great partner ecosystem and NewsGator is an important part of that."

Holston also believes that Microsoft's main interest in Yammer isn't its intellectual property but rather its successfully viral freemium business model.

In any case, NewsGator is focused on developing applications for specific industries, because the core set of horizontal enterprise social features -- such as microblogging, employee profiles, activity streams, sharing and joint editing of documents and content rating, tagging and reviewing -- are becoming commodities, he said.

Not only do pure-play enterprise social networking vendors all provide those horizontal features, but they are being added natively by broader collaboration and enterprise application vendors to their software stacks, he said.

"Our road map was always focused on taking advantage of higher value-added social business applications anyhow because of the assumption that horizontal capabilities would be provided by other means," he said.

This is the right approach for NewsGator, because there is no doubt that Microsoft will eventually meld Yammer with SharePoint, said IDC analyst Michael Fauscette.

"NewsGator needs to continue to figure out ways to differentiate itself," he said. "They're good software developers, have a good company and good products. Maybe they'll broaden their business and not depend mostly on SharePoint."

But even if Microsoft were to replicate Social Sites with the Yammer functionality in SharePoint, that process would likely take at least two years, Holston said.

And NewsGator has been working closely with Microsoft as the next major upgrade of SharePoint is developed, to make sure Social Sites is properly integrated and aligned with it, he said.

Juan Carlos Perez covers enterprise communication/collaboration suites, operating systems, browsers and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Follow Juan on Twitter at @JuanCPerezIDG.


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Lukas "lzap" Zapletal: Android SDK emulator audio on 64bit Fedora 16

And this is how to get audio working on Android SDK device emulator on Fedora 16+ 64bits. First of all you need 32bit java (OpenJDK works, but take care) and some libs:

# yum install glibc.i686 glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++.i686 zlib-devel.i686 ncurses-devel.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXrender.i686 libXrandr.i686

Now if you run the emulator with some debug settings, it turns out some 32bit libraries are missing:

# emulator -avd MY_AVD_NAME -debug audio

I have tried various combinations of OSS PulseAudio wrapper (padsp) until I found it works using default setting; ALSA using PulseAudio perhaps. Install those:

# yum install pulseaudio-utils.i686 pulseaudio-libs-devel.i686 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i686

And run emulator as usual:

# emulator -avd MY_AVD_NAME -debug audio

Happy Android audio hacking. I call it a day!


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