Tuesday, January 31, 2012

[OOC] The World

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This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.

Please post all "Players Wanted" threads in the Roleplayers Wanted forum!

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Age of the Colossus?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

  1. Human - A1
  2. Dwarves - A2
  3. Tranquilites - A3
  4. Tieflings - A4
  5. Cambions - A5
  6. Trolls- A6
  7. Centaur - A7
  8. Dragokin - A8
  9. Fey - A9
  10. Elves - B1
  11. Gnolls - B2

[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]



Humans are the most numerous, yet also the most contentious of all the intelligent races. Humans are widespread, can be found in most regions and, in general, are fierce and disagreeable, which can sometimes lead certain other races to view them with contempt. They are renowned for their diversity and ambition, and although they lack specialization, they can excel in many areas.

While hardly the only dominant race, humans are one of them. In spite of this strength, or perhaps because of it, humanity is an eternally fractured and divided race, broken up into over a dozen ethnic offshoots. It is believed that this is in part because humanity, unlike most other races, did not emerge as a whole but rather in several places at once, thereby resulting in its diversity.

Kingdom of Nexus

-Resides in the middle of Wralandir
-Small forest bordering the bay
-Rest of the land is fields and plains
-Mountainous borders
-Majorly human
-Lands belong to the royal family and is ruled by them
-Center of commerce and trade
-Greatest diversity


-On island in the middle of the kingdom.
-Protected by waters
-Wealthy city
-Closed borders
-Island Fortress



Strong, hardy, and dependable; whether or not dwarven claims that they were carved from the world?s stone is true, they certainly share qualities considered similar to the stone they live with. Female dwarves are slightly shorter and less heavy than the males. They tend to grow long light brown or red hair, growing white or gray with age. Growing thick facial hair sometimes is used to display social status among them.

Like all dwarves, they are a long-lived race, who reach physical maturity later than humans. At the age of fifty, they are considered adults, however they remain vigorous well past 150 years. Most dwarves live to see their bicentennial and a few live to be over 400. Dwarves are tough, for instance, their stomachs are resistant to virtually all poisons. They also have dense bodies and are difficult to push around as a result, as well as having the capacity to bear heavy loads with ease.

Many dwarves who limit themselves simply to hammers or picks, but others accumulate a wide variety of weaponry. Typically they equip themselves in heavy armor fashioned from mithral. When it comes to magic, they are more open to magic, as they rely on it to a significant degree in the defense of their homelands. The same can be said for their clerics, who have even fashioned a few prayers of their own.

Their society is divided into clans built along family ties and political allegiances. These clans are usually led by hereditary rulers, often monarchs of a sort and descendants from the founder of the clan. Most dwarven clans focus on one or two kinds of crafting, such as blacksmithing, jewelry, engineering, or masonry. Dwarves value their traditions and look for inspiration from ancestral heroes.

Cold Rock Mountains

-Frozen wasteland
-Littered with ruins of giant structures
-Known as dwarven lands, ruled by The Council
-Land was once ruled by Frost Giants

Khaz Modan

-Council resides there
-Grand City
-Connected to other cities through tunnels known as the Deep Halls



Tranquilites are the human descendants who hail from the province of Almac. According to legend, they have descended from the bloodline of their god. It is said that their thought of making a superior race with his own blood, by mating with other races. For this reason, Tranquilites are named after their creator, the god of tranquility.

They are pure spell weavers and are advanced in all the Arcane arts. While lacking in physical skill, they make up for it in their ability to resist and cast spells that overwhelm most people. They are united in culture and language, and are known for their monkish lifestyle and nomadic ways. Their origins can be traced to the First Era of Wralandir's history. Despite what most think, because a Tranquilite can be any race, color, or creed; they are indeed born, it is not a way of life. However, one can be converted, and take up their ways.

Tranquilites are highly intelligent, willful, and have an outgoing personality. It is said that Tranquilites are weaned on magic, for it seems to infuse their very being. Intermingling with Divine blood has given Tranquilites an affinity for magic, though hardiness is also part of their heritage. Tranquilite culture operates under monastic system, and their society is agrarian and hierarchical.

Passionate, eccentric, poetic, flamboyant, intelligent, and willful, and are excellent cooks, the Tranquilites feel an inborn, instinctive bond with the mercurial forces of magic and the supernatural. Many great sorcerers have come out of their home province of Almac, and in addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spellcraft, enchantment, and alchemy, even the humblest and least prominent Tranquilite can boast a high resistance to destructive and dominating magical energies within their universe.

The Silent Lands of Almac Plateau

-There's wooded mountains in the north and theres more of a cityscape around the bay area.
-Always eerily quiet


-Mountain City
-Built into the side of cliff



Known for their cunning and personal allure, which makes them excellent deceivers as well as inspiring leaders when prejudices are laid aside. Tiefling are descent from fiends ? demons, devils, evil deities, and others who have bred with humans. Although their evil ancestors are many generations removed, the taint lingers. Tiefling are not predisposed to evil alignments and vary in alignment nearly as widely as full humans, though tiefling are certainly devious.

Tiefling tend to have an unsettling air about them, and most people are uncomfortable around them. Although tiefling tend to have better reflexes than their human kin. But, in many other ways tiefling are similar to humans physically. Tiefling are, on average, just as tall as humans; weigh just a little bit heavier; skin hue can extend into reddish hues; hair can be dark blue, red, or purple. Most however, retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth.

The appearance of any one tiefling often depends on the exact ancestry. Diabolic or demonic tiefling might, besides the common horns and tails, possess a forked tongue, leathery or scaly skin, the smell of brimstone, or unusually warm flesh. Some accounts even hold these tiefling to cast neither shadows nor reflections. Some diabolic tiefling also sport goat-like legs or hooves. Some might have furred skin or feline eyes.

Few tiefling are raised with the love a normal human child might expect to receive and this shapes most of the race into bitter individuals who expect eventual rejection from all whom they meet. While some might follow this path towards evil, others reject it wholeheartedly and seek to make a good impact on the world around them, sometimes becoming the most heroic characters of all.

Because tiefling are generally distrusted throughout the world due to their fiendish heritage many are distrusting and self-reliant. However, members of the other races will find that once they demonstrate friendship and trust towards a tiefling they will be quickly reciprocated in full. Once that bond is forged, it is rarely broken.

The Gray Empire of the Ashlands

-Lands destroyed from volcano eruptions
-Recovering, ruins still around from old days
-Known as the gray empire because of the gray skies and soot covered lands
-Ruled by female empress


[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]



Cambions are considered to be the result of breeding a devil with mortal females. The offspring of a mortal male and a succubus is a different creature known as an alu-fiend. In general, a cambion is described as any humanoid creature that is half-fiend.

Scholars have differed over the years as to the exact meaning of the term "cambion". Past scholars used the term to denote "the union of a planetouched woman and a tanar'ri". They also further delineated this terminology to create "noble cambions": Marquis and Baron cambions are similarly sired by a demon lord father and a female humanoid half-fiend. In more recent times, the terminology and usage of this term has shifted to mean the union of a mortal female and a devil.

The mothers of true cambions always die in childbirth, serving to strand the newborn on the Material Plane where it will be orphaned, or in the Abyss where it will be abused by the demons who look down upon such children. Never accepted by either societies, cambions invariably grow up bitter and twisted but, due to their powers, they often become exceptional assassins. Many though, have been made the ambassadors to the worshipers of various demonic powers.

Loners by nature, they like to get lost in the crowds of large cities, especially in places where people don't ask questions. Good-aligned cambions are rare, but sometimes, if their mother was good or neutral-aligned, they take on her non-evil nature and are subsequently doomed to a life of loneliness as not even their demonic patrons will accept them.

Cambions excel in luring mortals to the Abyss, the only demons better at it are succubi. They then warn demons of the mortals' approach and let them do what they do best so the souls can be turned into larvae or manes.

Cambions are very ambitious and always put as much effort as they can into whatever they try to do, maybe either to prove themselves to a parent or to themselves, but regardless, they make great leaders, information brokers, etc. and are often catalysts for major events.

Cambions breed true with each other, but they often prefer to seek out humanoid mates to create tiefling children.

The Infernal Kingdom of Brimstone Abyss

-Land eternally broken, cracked, shattered
-1 Large Volcano (dormant), many smaller ones
-Lava pits and streams
-Surrounded by water and small islands
-High Temperatures
-Only those that can stand the high temperatures dwell there
-Separated from land long ago by a powerful mage
-Ruled by demon tyrant


-Located at the summit of a dormant volcano



Trolls (aka trollkind) are on average, seven feet in height and two hundred pounds in weight. There are exceptions to this who tend to be somewhat larger than their kindred. As with other races, there are also scattered trolls who far exceed the normal size range.

Trolls are often tall, lanky, and muscular. They have both elven and orcish characteristics with their fierce fangs and long ears. Their long arms, strong legs and quick reflexes make them adept hunters. Trolls have only two fingers and a thumb on their hands, and they have only two toes on each foot. Trolls do not wear standard shoes or boots, they are simply more comfortable barefoot.

Although enough physical damage will kill them, trolls can regenerate lost limbs and heal grievous physical injuries at an accelerated rate, giving them a large advantage in battle. Trolls are so well known for their regenerative abilities that alchemical mixtures, which induce regeneration in other races, are referred to as "troll's blood potions," despite not actually containing any troll blood. Militant tribes of trolls are efficient killers and have a strong lust for blood. Some may still cling to their heritage of cannibalism and voodoo.

Trolls are very isolated beings. Many trolls have no loyalty except amongst their own tribes. Most trolls, excluding a few tribes, don't speak any of the common languages. Trolls are territorial and hostile toward trolls of other tribes. They are highly tribally spiritual. The center of a tribe's spirit is the tribe's priest or superior hunter.

Other than tribes such as the Bloodtusk, most trolls will attack outsiders on sight, even trolls of other tribes. Uncivilized and aggressive trolls live all across Wralandir.

The Lush Jungles of Stranglethorn Island

-Tropical jungle
-Troll lands
-Land is divided amongst tribes
-Tribes constant war
-Recently one tribe has gained control over most of land
-3 Tribes
-Peace Time because of treaty discussion between all tribes, talk of uniting


-Largest village
-Ancient and spiritual history
-Neutral grounds


A centaur has the upper body of a humanoid, and the lower body of a large horse, on average they are 7 feet tall and weigh about 2100 pounds. Centaurs generally live in tribal hunter-gatherer societies. They have good relations with elves, being as they are both creatures of the forest. They generally despise humans and dwarves but aren't actively hostile to them. Centaurs warriors are usually equipped with composite longbows and longswords.

In the early years of civilization, a plague affected the numerous centaurs, causing their left hind leg to be three inches shorter than the others, and as a result, they could not easily escape from predators such as dragons. As a result, today, only three tribes of centaurs remain in the desert, each containing around one dozen families.

The centaurs of the Burning Sands are not as friendly towards other creatures as their counterparts elsewhere. They use falcons as scouts to warn them of nearby creatures, and are likely to attack on sight, with their bows. They are still respectful of their surroundings, and will protect the desert and its wildlife. They are known to enjoy pears and peaches in particular.

Centaurs are aggressive and stand-offish with other races, but within their tribal units they are very gentle, free-spirited and celebratory. They often have loud celebrations, friendly tournaments and lavish feasts to mark successful hunting, marriages, or births. Centaurs love food and alcohol, and will often accept gifts of these to permit outsiders entrance to their lands.

Centaur bodies are much like those of a large horse, but where a horse would have a head and neck a centaur has the torso of a muscular humanoid. Their lower halves vary in color as widely as horses do, with hair of chestnut, palomino, black, and in centaur communities near particularly magic-infused regions, even gleaming white like a celestial charger or unicorn is possible. The skin on their torso is usually light tan, but pale and other human colors exist, though rare. Centaurs wear their head-hair long, and it typically ranges from red to dark brown. Centaur head-hair is not necessarily the same color as their body hair, and in fact this is rarely the case. Their eyes are usually vibrant green or blue and their ears are pointed, much like eladrin or elves.

Centaurs live for several centuries, with their most venerable members up to 400 years old. They also mature slower than humans do, reaching adulthood at around 30 years old. The average lifespan is about 300 years, but centaurs only start to show visible signs of aging in the last fifth of their lives.

Centaurs are brash and love combat and battle. They originally lived in large tribal villages, claiming large amounts of territory as their own and aggressively defending it against trespassers. However, the love of battle drove many centaurs to explore Wralandir seeking new challenges and selling their services as soldiers or mercenaries to those who will pay them. These days, communities of centaurs are found sporadically all over the world, typically forming villages in the Burning Sands.

The Vastness of the Burning Sands

-Bandits and Raiders
-Sand Worms
-Centaur majority, but do not own the lands
-Used to be a forest, burned down by dragons

Khan's Treasure

-Centaur City
-Governed by warrior king


Standing on average between 6'2" and 6'8", dragonborn are impressively tall with a heavy weight to match, commonly possessing a mass between 220 and 320 lbs. Dragonborn feet are ended with three strong talon-like claws with a fourth claw in the back as are their hands, with the replacement of the rear claw with one thumb on each hand. A dragonborn's head features a blunt snout, a strong brow, and reptilian frills on the cheeks and ears. On the back of the head a crest of hornlike scales form what resembles a mess of ropy hair. Dragonborn eyes are usually red or gold in hue.

Dragonborn resemble in many ways what their name suggests: humanoid dragons. Dragonborn exhibit many draconic features, including a scaly hide and the capacity to use a breath weapon. The scales a dragonborn wears are scarlet, gold, rust, ocher, bronze, or brown in hue and though they in fact bear little correlation to a dragonborn's breath weapon and the scale colors of true dragons. The scales are typically in their greatest concentration around forearms, lower legs, feet, shoulders, and thighs, with a very fine leathery covering over the rest of the body. With the proper training, dragonborn can learn to unlock more of their draconic potential, even to the point of sprouting wings with which to fly, like a dragon.

Young dragonborn, who hatch from eggs like their draconic relatives, grow at an impressively rapid rate, much faster than most other races, reaching the equivalent maturity of a human child of 10 by age 3. However, this rate of maturation slows dramatically within a few short years and dragonborn are not considered physically mature for another twelve years. Once they do reach adulthood, dragonborn can expect a lifespan identical to that of humans. Not all dragonborn develop a breath weapon but those that do usually obtain it during these years of growth.

Like dragons, dragonborn are often mistaken for reptiles but are in fact warm-blooded draconic creatures. In fact, the internal body temperature of the dragonborn is warmer than that of most similar races, being so hot as to seem feverish to the human touch. While this might seem disadvantageous the lack of hair and large mouth allow the dragonborn to displace body heat at an effective rate, meaning dragonborn are comfortable in cold climates while remaining no more vulnerable to heat than humans.

Dragonborn have a number of abilities that set them apart. Dragonborn are both stronger and more charismatic than the typical humanoid, traits inherited from their draconic relatives. Dragonborn also are quite durable and when injured have an inner strength that can push them to accomplish even more than when they are at their best. Dragonborn also heal more easily than other humanoids. However, most potent of all is a dragonborn's breath weapon, which, like that of a dragon, varies in nature, being acidic, cold, electrical, fiery, or poisonous. However, unlike with dragons, the breath weapon of a dragonborn does not vary depending on a dragonborn's skin color.

Some dragonborn have additional abilities. For instance, while most dragonborn have vision comparable with humans a number have enhanced vision more similar to that of an elf or eladrin. Other dragonborn can modify their dragon breath, acquiring two or more other damage types. Others learn even to mix one or more elements together to create a composite breath weapon. Some dragonborn learn to use the ability dragonborn zeal, which gives gravely injured dragonborn the resolve to get back on their feet and keep fighting for a little longer.

Dragonborn have a well-known dedication to honor and how deeply rooted this trait is remains debatable. However, all dragonborn tend to view all living things, even hated dragons, as deserving of courtesy and respect. To dragonborn, honor is more than a word and is often considered more important than life itself. Cowardice is not simply undesirable amongst dragonborn, it is considered outright repulsive.

Dragonborn society, because of its martial origins, is extremely rigid in its organization, with hierarchical castes and strict laws. The nation is divided into large clans, each organized more like a military organization than a government. However, while their laws may be unforgiving the nation is also highly meritocratic and leaders are those that have proved their ability for command.

Clans, which play an enormous role in the life of dragonborn, are led by wizened, aged clanmasters chosen for their ability to lead who are looked to for guidance by their lieges. Dragonborn do not forget the past and ties to clan and family determine much about how one dragonborn is viewed by others. All clans have reputations, for good and ill, that often last generations and a dragonborn's actions are expected to bring favor and good will to his or her clan, improving this reputation. For this reason dragonborns typically go by their clan names rather than their family names, hoping to bring honor and glory to their clan.

The Honorable Nation of Wyrmrot Marsh

[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]

Capital Name

[Capital Image]

[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]



There are many legends about fey in the Wralandire, especially in the forested areas and the like. Faeries, in good and friendly lands, with warm lush forests and babbling brooks, are said to be short friendly folk, with a twinkle in their eye, pronouncing wealth and good luck on those deserving, who often happen to be the mortals who find them. In other places, blasted lands and choking swamps, fey are seen to be mad redcaps, devouring infants, corrupting youth, and bringing bad luck to any whom they happen to take interest.

As with any legend, there is a taste of truth within. Many fairies are tiny, and many of the legends about fey are quite true. Many fey, pixies for example, can only be seen by those whom they choose to reveal themselves, though powerful wizards can often make them out. Elves and fey are united by common belief, by their connection to natural purity, and for the fey, this is enough to create a connection of appearance. As for whether fairies desire weal and woe, both are the case. Fey are creatures connected closely to nature, and just as rain from clouds save farmers and trouble travelers also, so fey help some and injure others. Fey are a people of many different alignments and interests, like humans are.

The more humanoid looking Fey are powerful beings who have become so infused with the power that take on aspects of the seasons and other natural phenomena. Like most Fey, they are almost always free-spirited and noble individuals. These Fey look almost identical to elves, but are differentiated in a few small ways, such as their eyes, which are opaque orbs of solid color or their varying skin color. They also have a few notable abilities that differentiate them. For instance, many have a bodily resistance to the effects of both extreme cold and extreme heat. But, there are many other different types of Fey, such as:

  • Dryad: The dryad is a tree-spirit with the form of a beautiful female humanoid.
  • Grig: The grig is a tiny creature with the lower body of a cricket and the upper body of a miniature humanoid. They are mischievous and lighthearted, and can play a tune on their fiddles that causes other creatures to dance uncontrollably.
  • Nixie: The nixie is a water-spirit with green skin and webbed appendages. It can charm other creatures to become its friend. Nixies are guardians of freshwater pools and streams and are most commonly spotted alone. They love music and make instruments from reeds on the banks of streams. Occasionally a nixie will lure a human into the water, but they are usually more interested in company rather than drowning a visitor.
  • Nymph: The nymph is a creature of unearthly beauty, with the form of a female humanoid. Her form is so beautiful that any creature looking at her can become permanently blind.
  • Pixie: The pixie is a small, winged creature with a knack for pranks and mischief. Pixies are always invisible (unless they choose not to be), and carry special arrows that either make victims fall asleep, or cause them to forget everything they know. They are commonly found in groups of 3 to 5, but sometimes can be spotted alone. Pixies are particularly known for knotting hair, leading people astray, and pinching skin black and blue.
  • Satyr: The Satyr is a hedonistic creature that frolics in the wild places of the world. It has the legs of a goat and horns on its head but otherwise looks human. It can play magical tunes on its pan pipes that cause varying effects as decided by the satyr.

Shimmermist Isle

[Region Image]

[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]

Capital Name

[Capital Image]

[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]



As a people, wood elves are largely seen as a calm and steady-headed people. Arousing strong emotions in wood elves is not something that is easily done. Their villages are united under a gerontocratic hierarchy composed of village councils composed of the most distinguished families' eldest members. Despite their feelings on making an impact on their surroundings, the race has no particular aversion to meat-eating and are passionate hunters. When wood elves are not hunting they are enjoying themselves at ease within the highest branches of their forest homes.

They dress in simple clothes, of earth tones that blend into their natural surroundings. Wood elves love to wear leather armor, even when they are not under immediate threat. This helps deal with the harsh, naturalistic lifestyle they are accustomed to. Wood elves are roughly identical to other elves in height and build, with males larger than females. Often they are stronger than other elves, but are frequently less cerebral, meaning they don't put a great value on education. Because of this they are mistaken for savages or tribalistic, but they just prefer the simple life of living amongst nature. But, they even attribute the same ethics in combat.

To a wood elf, the wizard's spells are little different from the mason's castle wall - a means of controlling the natural world, which is contrary to the common ethic of living in harmony with nature rather than trying to dominate it. As such, wood elven adventurers are more likely to become rogues or priests. In keeping with their naturalistic inclination, wood elves are among some of the world's finest carpenters and stoneworkers, masters in the crafting of bows and arrows as well as in leather tanning. Wood elves have even developed any number of specialized arrows, including those that fly further than usual. So carefully guarded are wood elven crafting secrets that even other races have difficulty emulating wood elven designs.

The Eternal Forest of Aelden

[Region Image]

[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]


[Capital Image]

[The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.

The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]



Gnolls are a humanoid race that most closely resemble hyenas that dwell in the southeastern parts of Wralandir and are known for their savage culture and warlike ways.

Gnolls are extremely tall, the average member of the race standing on average between 7' and 7'6", though gnolls are relatively lean for their height, weighing in usually between 280 to 320 lbs and the race cuts an impressive visage. In part because of their height and lean musculature gnolls are very quick compared with many other races such as humans. Gnoll skin is a greenish-gray, and their furry hide is light or dark brown marked sometimes with spots or stripes. Many gnolls also have a dirty yellow to reddish-gray crest-like mane that stands on end when a gnoll is angry.

It is believed by some that gnolls have traces of demonic blood, which may be evidenced by unusual features found amongst some of the gnoll bloodlines. These may include talons, gleaming red eyes, or black fur with fiery orange spots.

Female gnolls are indistinguishable from males by size, in spite of a reputation for being shorter. In fact, so similar are male and female gnolls in appearance that they are often mistaken for one another and the only reliable way to tell the difference other than through a close physical examination is if a female is pregnant or openly nursing.

Gnolls have very short lifespans when compared with other sapient humanoids, living only 30 or so years on average and maturing to adulthood at a remarkable speed. Gnolls do not, however, age particularly dramatically except at the end of their lifespans, at which point the decline is sharp and deadly, quickly ending in death.

Moreso than many other humanoid races, primal instinct remains a strong party of the gnoll psyche. Gnolls are natural predators and savor the thrills of the hunt. Almost all gnolls prefer the wilderness to the civilized enclaves favored by humans, dwarves, or other similar races and those that do take to cities usually think of them as just another kind of landscape.

Many other races find the gnoll psyche feral and aggressive, male and female equally, and the behavioral tendencies of the race can certainly give this impression. Gnolls start fighting amongst one another at a very early age and as soon as they can walk many crawl into places away from the eyes of adults where they engage in vicious, often lethal battles. A gnoll is more likely to demand answers than it is to actually ask a question. Gnolls, however, do not see this as an act of hostility, but rather a basic demonstration of strength.

Though gnolls are not necessarily evil the craving of the hunt and primal bloodlust that inhabit the gnoll mind make many of the race lean towards chaotic evil by reflex. Gnolls who succumb to this tendency often become nomadic savages, wreaking havoc wherever they can, giving gnolls their fearsome reputation as slaving brigands throughout the world. Fortunately such creatures are rarely united and although gnolls as a whole have a strong affinity for family and blood ties, this friendliness does not often extend to gnolls who belong to a different pack and the race commonly makes war on itself.

In spite of the savage nature of the gnolls there are some aspects to their culture that are not inherently repulsive. Gnolls place a very strong value on family for instance, respecting blood ties perhaps more than any other aspect of a relationship. Though gnolls within a pack commonly fight amongst one another for dominance, these battles are quickly forgotten after their resolution and in most situations gnolls of the same bloodline are loyal friends and allies to one another. These bloodlines are almost always traced maternally, through the female line.

This loyalty to family is particularly obvious during combat, either with rival gnoll packs or other races. Gnolls who fight side by side regularly throw away personal glory in order to help their brethren. Perhaps most surprisingly, when a gnoll is separated from clan and family their instinctive need for such blood ties may lead them to form a surrogate "pack" from those whom they choose to befriend. To these unlikely allies the gnoll is as loyal and faithful as they would their own brothers or sisters, embracing the outsiders as if they were family.

Another common trait of gnolls, that of scavenging, is taken to new levels by gnolls who live in the wild as most do. While all gnolls have an innate tendency for collecting souvenirs and trophies, nomadic packs, particularly the savage ones who have little contact with other races except during wartime, often find little other ways to acquire technology, having crafted few tools of their own. The result of this is that most gnolls rely on the other races as their source of wealth and technology. This extends to arms and weaponry, giving gnoll armor a unique aesthetic where each suit is typically made kitbashed together from scavenged pieces of armor found either on victims or abandoned.

Gnolls of all kinds find an affinity for hyenas, who many see as their brethren and whom they keep as pets or for hunting.

The Treacherous Wilds of the Blighted Woods

[Region Image]

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[Capital Image]

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The words here are just filler, or stuffing used to supplement descriptions and explanations until a later date. Until then, they will be as you see and used by me as a visual aid to show the outcome of the design scheme. Once I find time I will edit this, so check back regularly for updates.]

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