Friday, April 5, 2013

How Social Media Helps Personalize Personal Trainers | NBC ...

With spring weather finally on its way (hopefully), I?m beginning to see the athletes coming out of indoor-training hibernation. Before we know it the joggers, bikers and speed walkers will be back out in full force on the lake and yoga and tai chi will resume in parks throughout the city.

With all the fitness options we have available to us these days, it comes as no surprise that somebody saw a gap in the personal fitness market and decided to fill it.

Operating out of Lincoln Park, amSTATZ just launched its beta site a few weeks ago with a platform designed to target fitness professionals, help them build a centralized network of clients and connect them to people looking for a personal trainer. Think of it as the LinkedIn of the fitness industry.

amSTATZ provides specific, unique business and management solutions that relies heavily on social media marketing. Rather than being a hands-off portal for people to connect through, the site provides trainers with a system to create personalized services and coupon offers that link up to social media channels, empowering them to drive their own business.

Think of all the times you?ve walked through the city and ignored the countless flyers advertising personal fitness training. amSTATZ has designed a way for trainers to communicate their services in a more articulate, attention-grabbing way. When a trainer creates a coupon it immediately sends out to all their social media channels and when a client uses the same coupon it is also publicized on their social media, reaching several audiences at once.

This option is new to the health and fitness space, and with amSTATZ leading the way with this marketing approach it will be interesting to see how corporate gyms will respond, if and when they catch up.

Adam Fridman is the founder of, a social network for entrepreneurs. MeetAdvisors allows for professionals to give free advice to those seeking help with their business ventures. Forbes has coined MeetAdvisors "Yelp for entrepreneurs." Armed with a Master of Science in Finance and experience in corporate finance and investment banking, Adam spent the past 10 years tackling a number of ventures with a focus on business development and strategy.


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