Monday, October 22, 2012

The Great ?Smart Meters? Hoax. Electromagnetic Fields Are Real ...

23rd October 2012


Contributing Writer for?Wake Up World

Just when you thought modern technology in the wrong hands of profit driven companies can?t possibly destroy your health, soil, air, food and water any worse than it already does?something even more monstrous is cooking in their ?money making oven?!

This time it is called?SMART METER!

The only ?smart? thing about it is that the utility providers found a dirty way to measure (and in the future control) your use of gas, electricity and water, by ensuring bigger profits, more control and power for them and a high cost for you.

The reality is that this action caused a?large number of people reporting health effects, privacy violations, safety and security dangers, environmental damage and much bigger bills.

Utilities across the country are installing the so-called wireless ?smart? meters. Take a look at the shocking short video below to quickly grasp the whole picture:


How Does The Smart Meter Technology Work?

These meters operate in a wireless mesh network with your neighbors? Smart Meters and transmit intense bursts of non-ionising, microwave radiation, 24 hrs/ day. ?This radiation (also known as RF EMF) is the same kind emitted by mobile phone masts. More than 5,000 studies show RF EMF radiation is harmful to humans, plants and animals.

Smart Meters can expose the body to 160 to 800x times as much microwave radiation as mobile phones.?Smart Meters can emit intense pulses of radiation more than 14,000 times each day!?(as stated by Senior Nuclear Policy Lecturer at UCSC, Daniel Hirsch).


How Do Smart Meters Affect Your Health?

Thousands of people have complained of?tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, allergies, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a ?smart? meter was installed. ?An increasing number of people?are developing??electro-sensitivity?.? There are also reports of ?smart? meter interference with pacemakers and other implants.

European surveys have shown at least 1 in 20 people are moderately or severely sensitive to RF EMF radiation, experiencing one or more of the symptoms above. ?Human, animal and cell culture studies indicate long term systemic health effects from radiation, including?hormone disruption, DNA damage, leakage of blood-brain barrier, sperm count reduction and damage, sleep disorders, learning difficulties, ADHD, dementia and cancer. There is concern that pregnant women and children are particularly vulnerable.

In this eye opening video by renowned?dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, you can actually see how low level pulsed microwave radiation causes insects to ?jump? off the leaves!?Imagine what this can do to your own cells, every hour of the day and night! This is a must watch video to fully understand the implications such technologies have, how they can affect your health if you don?t remove yourself from the source and what the safe alternatives are.


What Can You Do To Avoid Smart Meters?

Smart Meters are voluntary!?YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SMART METERS.??Although you might encounter some opposition from your utility provider, remember they can not breach your withdrawal of consent. Get educated and active, inform other people in your neighborhood and create a smart meter-free environment. ?Write letters to your utility provider and ask for removal of your smart meter. ?You can find more useful tips and information by checking out the websites under ?resources? below.

Remember, if you can?t actually feel it, see it or smell it, it doesn?t mean it doesn?t exist and so it can?t possibly affect your health. ?Radiation is real!

Article Sources:

Previous Articles by?Raluca?Schachter

About the Author

Raluca Schachter is a passionate Nutritionist and Metabolic Typing Advisor?, with a background in both nutrition and communication/PR. She believes in traditional, unaltered food, ancestral wisdom, sustainable farming and living. Raluca was able to naturally reverse chronic health conditions she was struggling with most of her life, and now uses her knowledge to help as many people as possible do the same. Her health programs and diet plans offer a very unique and comprehensive approach to health, where individual nutritional and biochemical requirements are firstly met using specific nutrients and foods that each metabolism thrives on. This approach reveals why and how ?one diet/herb doesn?t fit all? and why ?one man?s food is another one?s poison.? Raluca currently resides in Garden Grove, CA and offers her services for local and distance clientele. For more information visit her website and blog join Raluca on Facebook


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