Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Joe Biden cozies up with female biker


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AP IMPACT: Surprising methods heal wounded troops

BOSTON (AP) ? Scientists are growing ears, bone and skin in the lab, and doctors are planning more face transplants and other extreme plastic surgeries. Around the country, the most advanced medical tools that exist are now being deployed to help America's newest veterans and wounded troops.

?In Los Angeles, surgeons used part of Michael Mills' forehead to rebuild his nose after a bomb disfigured him in Iraq.

?In Pittsburgh, doctors used an experimental therapy from pig tissue to help regrow part of a thigh muscle that Ron Strang lost in a blast in Afghanistan.

?In Boston, scientists are making plans for the first implants of lab-grown ears for wounded troops after successful experiments in sheep and rats.

?In San Antonio and other cities, doctors are testing sprayed-on skin cells and lab-made sheets of skin to heal burns and other wounds. The ingenuity is impressive: One product was developed from foreskin left over from circumcisions.

Much of this comes from taxpayer-funded research. Four years ago, the federal government created AFIRM, the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine, a network of top hospitals and universities, and gave $300 million in grants to spur new treatments using cell science and advanced plastic surgery.

"The whole idea is to bring all these researchers together to develop these great technologies that were in early science to eventually be ready for the troops," said AFIRM's recently retired director, Terry Irgens.

Now those who served are coming home, and projects that once had been languishing in labs are making strides and starting to move into clinics.

Strang is among those benefiting. The 28-year-old Marine sergeant from Pittsburgh lost half of a thigh muscle to shrapnel, leaving too little to stabilize his gait. "My knee would buckle and I'd fall over," he said.

Now, after an experimental treatment at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, "I'm able to run a little bit" and play a light football game with friends, he said. "It's been a huge improvement."

It's one example of the "new medicine" in the works for troops. The Associated Press conducted more than a dozen interviews and reviewed the latest medical research to measure the progress and extent of novel treatments under way for wounded warriors. The results point to some surprising feats of surgery and bioengineering.


Growing new ears

Up to a thousand troops might need an ear, and prosthetics are not a great solution. A rod or other fastener is required to attach them to the head. They don't look or feel natural and they wear out every couple of years. A matching ear grown from a patient's own cells would be a huge improvement.

"People have been working on this for 20 years" but haven't been able to overcome obstacles to making it practical, said Cathryn Sundback, director of the tissue engineering lab at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Her lab thinks it's found the solution. Using a computer model of a patient's remaining ear, scientists craft a titanium framework covered in collagen, the stuff that gives skin elasticity and strength.

They take a snip of cartilage from inside the nose or between the ribs and seed the scaffold with these cells. This is incubated for about two weeks in a lab dish to grow more cartilage. When it's ready to implant, a skin graft is taken from the patient to cover the cartilage and the ear is stitched into place.

Scientists in her lab have maintained lab-grown sheep ears on those animals for 20 weeks, proving it can be done successfully and last long-term. They also have grown anatomically correct human ears from cells. These have been implanted on the backs of lab rats to keep them nourished and allow further research. But that wouldn't happen with ears destined for patients ? they would just be grown in a lab dish until they're ready to implant.

"We've solved all the technical problems," Sundback said, and now they are ready to seek approval from the Food and Drug Administration to implant these into patients ? probably in about a year. "It's amazing how much progress we've made with the AFIRM funding."


Bioengineering muscles, bone and skin

A soldier lucky enough to keep his arms and legs after a bomb blast still might lose so much of a key muscle, like biceps or quadriceps, that the limb can't be used properly. In some cases, "the patient has lost so much muscle that there's nothing left for the surgeon to sew together," said Dr. Stephen Badylak, a regenerative medicine specialist at the University of Pittsburgh.

He is testing implants of "extracellular matrix" ? connective tissue that holds cells together ? to boost muscle mass. The matrix is thought to release chemical signals that promote regrowth of healthy tissue instead of scar tissue.

"It changes the body from thinking, 'I need to respond to injured tissue,' to 'I need to rebuild this tissue,'" Badylak said.

The material is supplied by a private company ? ACell Inc. of Columbia, Md. ? and comes from pigs. The immune system tolerates it because it doesn't contain cells. It comes in multi-layered sheets like slightly stiff gauze and can be cut or molded to fit the needed shape.

Strang, who lost half of a thigh muscle, is among the five patients treated so far in an 80-patient study. Doctors wait at least six months after an injury to make sure all natural healing has occurred, and put patients through intensive physical therapy before implanting the matrix.

"We want to be able to say after the surgery that they were as good as they could be" and that the matrix accounted for any improvement, Badylak explained.

In early testing, "They've shown up to 10 to 20 percent improvement" in strength of the muscle after treatment, said Irgens, the director of AFIRM, which funded some of the early work. The Department of Defense is sponsoring the study under way now, which includes non-military patients as well as former troops. The new study is measuring changes in strength and muscle volume, and doctors are aiming for the kind of quality-of-life improvement Strang has enjoyed.

In other efforts, Pittsburgh and Rice University scientists are working on growing bone to fix jawbone and other facial defects. Researchers at Massachusetts General and Rutgers University are trying to grow eyelid muscles. Blindness can result from not being able to close an eyelid.

Doctors also are testing various ways to make skin. In one method, doctors take a postage stamp-sized piece of a patient's skin, process it in the lab and spray these cells onto a burn or other wound. The sprayer device that is used for this treatment is already licensed in seven countries, and AFIRM is sponsoring a study aimed at winning U.S. approval so the treatment can be offered here.

The second approach uses sheets of skin developed from cells in the lab that originally came from foreskin after circumcisions.

"That's in clinical trials now and they're having tremendous results," Irgens said.


Beyond "bionic arms" to transplants

For all the advances that have been made in modern prosthetics, the arms and hands are not as effective as the legs and feet. Dozens of wounded troops would rather try a transplant.

The government also estimates that up to 200 troops might need face transplants, although Dr. Bohdan Pomahac, a Boston surgeon who has done four face transplants on non-military patients, thinks only 50 to 100 ultimately will get one.

One reason is the lifelong drugs needed to prevent rejection. They have side effects and raise the risk of cancer.

Dr. W.P. Andrew Lee, plastic surgery chairman at Johns Hopkins University, has been working to minimize those risks. Previously, at the University of Pittsburgh, he led hand transplants on five patients with minimal immune suppression, giving them bone marrow taken from their donors along with the hands to help them better tolerate the new tissue. All five patients have done well and four now take just one anti-rejection drug.

"There's really no reason to think faces will be any different," he said.

He also showed that rejection can often be stopped by rubbing on a cream containing immune-suppressing medicine.

"Skin is the primary target of the rejection," he explained, so with a hand transplant, "we can detect rejection much earlier than we can for organ transplants. The patient literally calls us. They notice a rash on the skin first thing in the morning. We just tell them to put the cream on."

With military funding, a host of doctors are evaluating troops as potential face transplant candidates. Pomahac told of one man who lost much of his face, jaw and lips in a bomb blast. Despite 25 operations, he still can't move one side of his face or lips and drools all the time.

"He walks around with a towel on his shoulder. It's a major quality-of-life issue," Pomahac said.


Advancing reconstructive surgery

Many troops remain disfigured or impaired despite multiple reconstructive operations. Tackling the toughest cases is the goal of Operation Mend, a program of the UCLA Medical Center, Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio and the Veterans Affairs-Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System.

Army Staff Sgt. Michael Mills, 47, who lives in Freeport, Minn., northwest of Minneapolis, is one such patient. He was injured in Iraq in 2005 by a bomb that left him with major burns and broken bones all over. He lost a finger and thumb. He has a dozen pins in bones and a plate in his hip. He was missing part of an ear and part of his nose.

Mills had 10 surgeries with Operation Mend, including three on his hands. Surgeons repaired his nose with part of his forehead.

"I'm very happy with the new look I have now," Mills said. "I don't let my disability run my life. I run my disability."

Some wounds remain, though. Mills said he suffers from a mild traumatic brain injury, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Counseling through the Department of Veterans Affairs has helped him cope, and he said he no longer has flashbacks and night sweats and is more able to control anger.

"I have more good days now than I do bad days," he said. Doctors can fix his bones and his nose, but "they can't heal what's inside," Mills said. "Only I can do that."


Follow Marilynn Marchione at http://twitter.com/MMarchioneAP

This story is the latest installment in a joint initiative by The Associated Press and Associated Press Media Editors taking a closer look at this latest generation of war veterans as they return to civilian life, and the effect this is having on them, their families and American society.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ap-impact-surprising-methods-heal-wounded-troops-170546068.html

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New DNA encyclopedia shows complex inner workings

This undated image provided by the U.S. National Cancer Institute shows the 46 human chromosomes, where DNA resides and does its work. Each chromosome contains genes, but genes comprise only 2 percent of DNA. On Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, 500 scientists around the world reported their findings on the complex functions occurring in the rest of DNA, much of it involved in regulating genetic activity. (AP Photo/National Cancer Institute)

This undated image provided by the U.S. National Cancer Institute shows the 46 human chromosomes, where DNA resides and does its work. Each chromosome contains genes, but genes comprise only 2 percent of DNA. On Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, 500 scientists around the world reported their findings on the complex functions occurring in the rest of DNA, much of it involved in regulating genetic activity. (AP Photo/National Cancer Institute)

(AP) ? A colossal international effort has yielded the first comprehensive look at how our DNA works, an encyclopedia of information that will rewrite the textbooks and offer new insights into the biology of disease.

For one thing, it may help explain why some people are more prone to common ailments such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

The findings, reported Wednesday by more than 500 scientists, reveal extraordinarily complex networks that tell our genes what to do and when, with millions of on-off switches.

"It's this incredible choreography going on, of a modest number of genes and an immense number of ... switches that are choreographing how those genes are used," said Dr. Eric Green, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, which organized the project.

The work also shows that at least 80 percent of the human genetic code, or genome, is active. That's surprisingly high and a sharp contrast to the idea that the vast majority of our DNA is junk.

Most people know that DNA contains genes, which hold the instructions for life. But scientists have long known those genetic blueprints take up only about 2 percent of the genome, and their understanding of what's going on in the rest has been murky.

Similarly, they have known that the genome contains regulators that control the activity of genes, so that one set of genes is active in a liver cell and another set in a brain cell, for example. But the new work shows how that happens on a broad scale.

It's "our first global view of how the genome functions," sort of a Google Maps that allows both bird's-eye and close-up views of what's going on, said Elise Feingold of the genome institute.

While scientists already knew the detailed chemical makeup of the genome, "we didn't really know how to read it," she said in an interview. "It didn't come with an instruction manual to figure out how the DNA actually works."

One key participant, Ewan Birney of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Hinxton, England, compared the new work to a first translation of a very long book.

"The big surprise is just how much activity there is," he said. "It's a jungle."

The trove of findings was released in 30 papers published by three scientific journals, while related papers appear in some other journals. In all, the 30 papers involved more than 500 authors. The project is called ENCODE, for Encyclopedia of DNA Elements.

The human genome is made up of about 3 billion "letters" along strands that make up the familiar double helix structure of DNA. Particular sequences of these letters form genes, which tell cells how to make proteins. People have about 20,000 genes, but the vast majority of DNA lies outside of genes.

So what is it doing? In recent years, scientists have uncovered uses for some of that DNA, so it was clearly not all junk, but overall it has remained a mystery.

Scientists found that at least three-quarters of the genome is involved in making RNA, a chemical cousin of DNA. Within genes, making RNA is a first step toward creating a protein, but that's not how it's used across most of the genome. Instead, it appears to help regulate gene activity.

Scientists also mapped more than 4 million sites where proteins bind to DNA to regulate genetic function, sort of like a switch. "We are finding way more switches than we were expecting," Birney said.

The discovery of so many switches may help scientists in their search for the biology of disease, particularly common conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and asthma, scientists said.

Studies have found that DNA variations that predispose people to such common disease often lie outside the genes, raising the question of how they could have any effect. The new work finds evidence that many of these variations fall within or near regulatory regions identified by the ENCODE project, suggesting a way they could meddle with gene activity.

Another finding raises questions about just how best to define a gene, researcher Thomas Gingeras of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York and colleagues suggest in their report in the journal Nature. The common notion that genes are specific regions of DNA that are separated from other genes "is simply not true," he said.

He and colleagues said it would make more sense to define a gene as a collection of RNA molecules instead of a particular location on the DNA.

Birney said that with the finding of widespread activity across a person's DNA, scientists will be debating how much of it is really crucial to life.

Still, "it's worth reminding ourselves that we are very, very complex machines," Birney said. "It shouldn't be so surprising that the instruction manual is really pretty fearsomely complicated."



Journal Nature: http://www.nature.com/nature

Associated Press

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Monday, September 10, 2012

US adds cancer to list of illnesses linked to 9/11 attacks

By NBC News and wire services

Updated at 5:15 p.m. ET: The federal government on Monday added 14 categories of cancer to the list of illnesses linked to the 9/11 terror attacks, which brings added coverage to rescue workers and people living near ground zero on Sept. 11, 2001.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health approved the additions to the list of illnesses covered in the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which were proposed in June. The updated regulations take effect 30 days after the ruling is published in the Federal Register.

See more on this story on NBCNewYork.com

The decision "marks an important step in the effort to provide needed treatment and care to 9/11 responders and survivors," said Dr. John Howard, administrator of the World Trade Center Health Program established by the Zadroga law.?

The Zadroga Act ? named after NYPD Detective James Zadroga, who died at age 34 after working at ground zero ? was signed into law?nearly two years ago. Despite the hundreds of sick responders, the act did not cover cancer because of a supposed lack of scientific evidence linking cancer to ground zero toxins.

"We are getting sick in record numbers,"?said Ray Pfeiffer, a first responder who was diagnosed three years ago with kidney cancer. He said it has been a struggle to pay for expensive medications not fully covered by his insurance.

"It's fantastic news," he said of the expanded list of covered illnesses.

About 400 residents and rescue workers have died from cancer since 9/11,?according to the New York Post.

With cancer included in the program more victims are likely to seek compensation, which could cause individual awards to be reduced as officials divide up the $2.77 billion fund.

"They?re going to add cancers, but are they going to add more money to the fund?" Thomas "T.J." Gilmartin, who suffers from lung disease and sleep apnea, said to the Post. "It?s crazy. Every time, we gotta fight. It?s two years since Obama signed that bill, and nobody?s got 10 cents."

"We fought long and hard to make sure that our 9/11 heroes suffering from cancers obtained from their work at ground zero get the help they deserve," U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles E. Schumer, both of New York, said in a statement. "Today's announcement is a huge step forward that will provide justice and support to so many who are now suffering from cancer and other illnesses. We will press on - with advocates, the community, and our partners in government - to ensure that all those who suffered harm from 9/11 and its aftermath get the access to the program they so desperately need."

Family photo via NY Daily News / AP File

In this undated file photo, New York City Police Det. James Zadroga, left, holds his daughter Tylerann. Fifty cancers will be added to the Zadroga Act, which was named after the detective--who died of respiratory failure in Jan. 2006 after working at ground zero.

Last week, the New York City Fire Department added nine names to the 55 already etched on a wall honoring members who have died of illnesses related to ground zero rescue and recovery work, Reuters reported.

Some estimates put the overall death toll from 9/11-related illness at more than 1,000, according to Reuters. At least 20,000 ground zero workers are being treated across the country and 40,000 are being monitored by the World Trade Center Health Program, Reuters reported.

Tuesday marks the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.?

Last fall, the September 11 Memorial at ground zero finally opened in the footprints of the original towers. Since then, more than 4 million people have visited.

Financial, security and design setbacks have delayed the redevelopment of the World Trade Center in the past decade. A recent project audit indicates that overall site redevelopment costs have grown to nearly $15 billion.

One World Trade Center is nearing completion and is expected to open in 2014.

NBCNewYork.com's Brynn Gingras and Reuters contributed to this report.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/10/13783417-us-adds-cancer-to-list-of-illnesses-linked-to-911-terror-attacks?lite

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Romney reports raising $111 million in August

BOSTON (AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign is reporting it raised $111 million in August to fund his challenge of President Barack Obama.

It's the third straight month the former Massachusetts governor has raised more than $100 million. The figure represents his best one-month fundraising total.

Obama, however, edged out Romney, raising $114 million toward his re-election campaign. However, Romney has socked away more money for the general election campaign.

Obama is reversing a three-month trend at the time he needs it most, having spent heavily over the summer on advertising in an attempt to keep Romney at bay.

Both candidates are claiming momentum coming out of their national conventions over the past two weeks.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-reports-raising-111-million-august-041429859--election.html

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Hey everyone!

So I've created this new RP called Fading Light - the Last Darkness; it's a post-apocalyptic rp that is set in a parallel universe where in the 1930's a radioactive asteroid hits the moon and the result is a massive dust cloud that blots the sun out from earth for six months of the year.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/RLpb49Srr6o/viewtopic.php

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Precautions for tick-borne disease extend 'beyond Lyme'

Monday, September 10, 2012

This year's mild winter and early spring were a bonanza for tick populations in the eastern United States. Reports of tick-borne disease rose fast.

While Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the Northeast and Upper Midwest, new research results emphasize that it is not the greatest cause for concern in most Southeastern states.

The findings are published today in a paper in the journal Zoonoses and Public Health.

The majority of human-biting ticks in the North--members of the blacklegged tick species--cause Lyme disease, but these same ticks do not commonly bite humans south of mid-Virginia.

Biologist Graham Hickling of the University of Tennessee, co-author of the paper, says many patients in Southeastern states, who become sick from a tick-bite, assume they have Lyme disease, but the odds of that being the case are low.

"Ticks in the eastern U.S. collectively carry more than a dozen agents that can cause human disease," says Hickling.

"Here in Tennessee we regularly collect lone star ticks that test positive for Ehrlichia, [a tick-borne bacterial infection]. Lone stars are an aggressive species that account for most of the human bites that we see in this region. So ehrlichiosis has to be a big concern, yet most people have never heard of it."

In contrast, says Hickling, there have been no confirmed reports to date of the Lyme disease pathogen among the sparse populations of blacklegged ticks found in Tennessee.

"The Southeast is dominated by different tick species than the ones that attack humans in the North," says Ellen Stromdahl, an entomologist at the U.S. Army Public Health Command and lead author of the paper.

"The lone star tick is by far the most abundant tick in the Southeast, and which species of tick bites you is critical because different ticks carry different diseases. In the Southeast you are unlikely to be bitten by the blacklegged ticks that spread Lyme disease," Stromdahl says.

Most bites in the Southeast are from the tick species that spread spotted fever rickettsiosis and ehrlichiosis, but not Lyme disease.

A complicating factor for public health officials is that tick species are on the move, as wildlife populations, forest habitats and weather patterns change across the continent.

This spring the Tennessee Department of Health, for example, reported a 500 percent increase in tick-borne rickettsiosis.

"Identifying health risks in the face of changing climates will be critical in coming years," says Sam Scheiner, National Science Foundation program director for the joint NSF-National Institutes of Health Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) program, which funds Hickling's research.

At NSF, the EEID program is co-funded by the Directorates for Biological Sciences and Geosciences.

"This study will inform public health officials about what diseases are found in which areas," says Scheiner, "so they can minimize human health problems."

Hickling's work is also in collaboration with scientist Jean Tsao of Michigan State University and is part of an EEID project to identify the ecological factors leading to distributions of tick species and pathogens--in particular, where the Lyme disease tick and pathogen are found.

Lyme-infected blacklegged ticks are expanding south through Virginia, and lone star ticks are moving north, the scientists have found.

The bite of the lone star tick can create a bulls-eye rash that appears like that of Lyme disease, but the rash isn't caused by the Lyme bacteria.

The scientists say that this almost certainly leads to misdiagnosis of some patients in mid-Atlantic states, where both tick species are common.

The best way to distinguish Lyme from other tick-borne diseases is to be vigilant for tick bites, and whenever possible save any tick that manages to bite you, the biologists recommend. Store the tick in your freezer or in a vial of alcohol so it can be identified if you become ill.

In the Northeast, Lyme disease awareness campaigns have focused public attention on the nymphal blacklegged tick--which is responsible for most disease transmission and which is tinier than the adult form.

While nymphal blacklegged ticks and nymphal lone star ticks--which also bite humans--can be distinguished, the two are often confused by the public.

In one study, 13 of 20 patients reporting tick bites to physicians were given antibiotics on the assumption that they were at risk for Lyme disease, yet 53 of the 54 ticks removed from those same patients were lone star ticks, which do not spread Lyme disease.

"Where you live determines which tick species is likely to bite you," says Tsao, "and therefore which diseases you're most likely to contract."

The biologists say they are happy that recent treatment recommendations have begun to emphasize the importance of considering the tick species and its infection status as part of the diagnostic process.

Their advice: Stay open-minded about which tick-borne diseases are most common in your area--and save the tick that bites you.


National Science Foundation: http://www.nsf.gov

Thanks to National Science Foundation for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 19 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/123325/Precautions_for_tick_borne_disease_extend__beyond_Lyme_

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26,000 Chicago Teachers Will Strike on Monday


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Use These Ideas To Improve Your Home | michael kors

Posted on | September 10, 2012 | Comments Off

Choosing paint over wallpaper is a great home improvement tip. Wallpaper may seem like it?s easier to clean, and it is for the most part, but if you ever want to redecorate it?s going to be difficult to remove. There is much more involved with removing wallpaper, whereas with paint, you can just paint right over it!

A good way to get things done in your house is to ask for help from friends and family. You might want to ask close friends and family members to help you repaint your kitchen. You can pay them off by buying them lunch or taking them out to dinner, it?s probably cheaper than hiring someone to do the job for you.

Are you looking for a home-improvement idea that is budget and do-it-yourself friendly? You should try painting. This can really make a room pop and make a bold statement. Think of your home as a canvas. When choosing colors, you should pick colors that are on the same line of the color wheel. This will insure that no matter the colors you choose, they will have the same hue value.

Secure your windows from potential burglars with nails! All you have to secure your windows is partially drive a nail in the inside of the sash on both sides of the window just above the bottom panel. You can make the nail removable by drilling the hole instead of driving the nail in. Allow the nail to protrude over the bottom panel so that it can?t be opened without removing the nail.

Get double-glazed windows, or even triple-glazed windows fitted to your house. These windows can decrease your annual energy bills by hundreds of dollars, as they are great insulators. They are also more difficult to smash, so you home is less likely to be broken into. Additionally, they can significantly increase the value of your home.

Give a quick update to your kitchen by wiping down the cabinets and either adding or changing the cabinet hardware. Giving your kitchen cabinets a new set of knobs or handles can really enhance the look of your kitchen without costing a lot of money. With so many styles of knobs and handles available, you can change the character of your kitchen quickly and easily.

Try laying down a new driveway outside your home. By improving the exterior of your home, you can make it look great outside and possibly increase its value. Choose a material which suits your home; there is concrete, clay tile, tarmac, natural stone, and brick that you can use. Get a professional to lay it down properly.

When planning home improvements so that you can rent an area of your house out, make sure that space will adequately house a human being. If there?s absolutely no kitchen space and only a bed can fit in the sleeping area you will get far less rent and quite likely never find a renter.

Choose two easy-to-remember days of the year to check and replace, if necessary, the batteries in your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. New Year?s Day and the Fourth of July are ideal times to perform this task. You should also make sure that your fire extinguishers work and discuss your family?s exit strategy in the event of a fire.

Those home improvement tips were not too difficult to understand, right? They should have provided you with some insight into what you can expect from this activity. You should now feel a bit more confident and ready to start taking on improvement jobs. Try using these tips for your next job.

Karissa Stowers is known as a scholar concerning water filtration systems for home


Source: http://how-guide.com/2012/09/use-these-ideas-to-improve-your-home/

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US women beat Germany 1-0 to win U20 World Cup


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 9:46 a.m. ET Sept. 8, 2012

TOKYO (AP) - The United States won the women's under-20 World Cup for the third time, defeating defending champion Germany 1-0 Saturday on a goal by Kealia Ohai in the 44th minute.

Crystal Dunn beat a German defender in the penalty area and squared a pass to Ohai, who sent a right-footed shot over goalkeeper Laura Benkarth. It was the first goal Germany gave up in the tournament.

"I saw Crystal making a run and every time she does that you know she is going to get something in the box," Ohai said. "I sprinted as fast as I could and she got the ball to me and I just squared it."

Earlier Saturday, Japan downed Nigeria 2-1 in the third-place game. Yoko Tanaka and Asuka Nishikawa scored for Japan and Desire Oparanozie had Nigeria's goal.

The U.S. and Germany also met in the group stage, with the Germans winning 3-0 on Aug. 27 in Miyagi. The Americans also captured this tournament in 2002 and 2008. Germany won in 2004 and 2010.

"It was a great performance by our team," U.S. coach Steve Swanson said. "It's a reflection of a lot of people's efforts. We had some adversity in the group stage but the players learned from that and our character showed tonight."

Germany pressed forward in the second half, but the Americans defended staunchly to protect the lead. Leonie Maier rattled the crossbar in the 72nd minute and came close again with a long shot in the final minute, but U.S. goalkeeper Bryane Heaberlin made a good save.

"Our defense got better and better as the tournament went on," Swanson said. "They deserve a lot of credit, and when I say that I include the goalkeeper. We needed to stay compact. We got a little stretched out against Germany in the first game against them so we knew we needed to be better defensively and that was a key to our winning tonight."

Germany scored 15 goals in the group stage, but couldn't find a way to break through in the final.

"I don't think beating them 3-0 had any implications for today's match," Germany coach Maren Meinert said. "Playing the United States is always tough. We gave up a goal in the first half and that made it harder for the players to respond and it was a totally different situation than the first time we played them."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Be Your Own Supervisor: Suggestions For Home Business | AARC ...

Using a online business might be equally as daunting as it is attractive. Just about the most significant things is to determine where to start. Just what is the method to success? You most likely have plenty of concerns. This article is meant to provide a number of the replies to obtain on the road to working your home organization. Your business from home starts off with Income at Home with regard to guidance.

Developing a banking account specified for the organization may help you record your organization spending. Make all organization-related dealings employing this bank account. This means that you can effortlessly analyze all of your company?s economic dealings. You should create a different business charge card profile at the same time, utilizing it for things like getting items and paying out installers.

Though it may possibly initially appear like a luxurious to create enterprise telephone calls and answer client e-mail inside your robe and slippers, you?ll soon learn to miss out on the camaraderie you given to your past peers every day. To hold from receiving way too lonesome, attempt to get out of the house at least several times every week.

Create a shorter description of your business, concentrating on your values and goals. Make sure you consist of the purpose of this business, and also any desired goals you might have for doing it. Inside your enterprise objective, explain the unique standpoint of your business, along with your goals for the firm.

Establish a crisis account to help you balance your organization with some financial protection. This can help you care for bills that happen to be unanticipated and can maintain your organization working well. Use only this emergency account when it is absolutely an urgent situation. Make it a top priority to switch this money.

Market your home business on the net. Create a consumer friendly internet site, or employ someone to make it happen for you personally. Make use of your site to supply information which will be of worth to your clients and provide them a way to give valuable responses once they make a purchase. Moreover, you will want to get more knowledge on how to generate and keep an effective business site. Get much more details upon Online Business Systems below.

There are a number of good reasons that any home based business owner Have to arrange and maintain a bunch of their receipts! Whatever spent for your own home company is taxation insurance deductible. Help save all of your current statements, as most of them can be used deductions. You could find yourself having to pay more taxation than you are obligated to pay.

A beneficial peer group can support you at home organization projects. You may need to start a network and positively seek out other people to sign up for. These folks don?t should be with your exact same sector, but they should be optimistic, supportive and know the special difficulties home-based business managers handle.

As was talked about previous on this page, a residence organization could be the two pleasing and daunting. With a little luck you possess gleaned some terrific information and guidance through the ideas provided in this post. Set that advice into motion, and watch as stuff start to job a lot more effortlessly for your residence enterprise

Tags: business, home based business, home business, income, income at home, money, online business, online business systems, systems, work from home

Source: http://www.aarc-ma.org/144-be-your-own-supervisor-suggestions-for-home-business

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

NYT: Steam's Big Picture public beta begins Monday

NYT: Steam's Big Picture public beta begins on Monday

Can't wait to use Steam's forthcoming Big Picture mode to game from the comfort of your couch? Well, you're in luck, because it might be ready for a test drive tomorrow. According to The New York Times, the living room-friendly user interface is getting the public beta treatment starting Monday. Gabe Newell let loose last month that both the TV-geared view and Steam for Linux betas would be "out there fairly quickly," but there's still no word on when the Ubuntu-bound preview will land. In the meantime, we'll keep busy by gawking at Valve's augmented reality headset, which the NYT got a glimpse of during a trip to the firm's headquarters, at the source link below.

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NYT: Steam's Big Picture public beta begins Monday originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 20:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/69Xiqbx6lyo/

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Achieve Your Health Goals with the Help from Perfect Body Inc ...

Finding the ideal and the best personal trainer is sometimes difficult and challenging. Apart from the qualifications they posses that you need to look out for, you need a fitness trainer who can make you feel comfortable and at ease in doing your exercise programs. The downfall from hiring a personal trainer and not being able to achieve your fitness goal is due to the failure of determining which exercise program will be most suited for you.


Many have been satisfied with the fitness services they were able to receive from Perfect Body Inc. owing to its personalized approach in designing exercise programs according to the individual?s needs. Most gyms and fitness centers usually deliver exercise training services without providing individualized assessment and evaluation of their clients. Shawn Phillips believes that the best approach to exercise training is an individualized exercise regimen that is tailored to the specific and distinct needs of an individual.


As a certified Holistic Life Coach, Shawn Phillips is able to value the essential of designing exercise programs that are individualized and tailored to meet a person?s health goals. The most optimal benefits that can be derived from a fitness training is through a holistic approach which is one of the major fitness and health programs at Perfect Body Inc.


You can feel confident that achieving your health goals is just within your reach. With the most comprehensive and integrative health and fitness regimen, you can be assured that getting a holistic approach in exercise training will make you at peace with your physical and mental health. Prior to starting your exercise training, you will be evaluated and assessed accordingly to ensure that your medical condition and current health status is known to your personal trainer. This is primarily important when designing the exercise program where your safety is the utmost priority.


Shawn Phillips designs a holistic personal training program that will allow you to gradually achieve your health goals. Each week you will perform certain exercises that will progressively help you attain better health and wellness. Your training program also involves nutritional plan that complements your exercises. Moreover, you will also find yourself undertaking lifestyle coaching that will help boost your mental state, energy and vitality for a better healthy lifestyle. You will feel highly motivated in each training session as you will receive progress reports about your performance.


Perfect Body Inc. always connect with their customers by sending them weekly emails elaborating certain areas of improvement as well as a progress report. This helps you to be consistently focused in attaining your fitness goals with the reliable assistance of your holistic personal trainer. In every difficulty and progress you get from your exercise regimen, your personal trainer will be there to offer you concerned and personalized help to achieve your fitness goals.


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Source: http://www.pressreleasesworld.com/achieve-your-health-goals-with-the-help-from-perfect-body-inc/

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Lose Yourself in Brigadoon | Triangle Arts and Entertainment

The Wedding of Charlie Je Lose Yourself in Brigadoon

Mikaela Saccoccio and Jeff Aguiar in the Burning Coal Theatre Company production of Lerner & Loewe?s BRIGADOON (photo by the Right Image Photography, Inc.)

Brigadoon tells the story of two American hunters who lose their way and stumble into the magical world that is the show?s namesake. Burning Coal Theatre?s production of this charming, poignant musical is downright magical from start to finish, and viewers will leave the theatre feeling as if they?ve made this whimsical journey right along with the characters.

Ed Intemann?s minimalist set, featuring strings that hang from the ceiling, perfectly captures the elusiveness of the mystical land of Brigadoon. The strings work well with Intemann?s lighting, which sometimes lends a colorful, iridescent glow to the strings, furthering the magical effect. The balconies are also used effectively, opening up the somewhat small space and making the set feel larger than life. It?s what happens within the confines of this impressive set, however, that truly enthralls.

Andrew Bosworth oozes believability as Tommy, the younger of the two hunters. With his boyish looks and searing gaze, Bosworth?s Tommy is believably searching and in need of the world of Brigadoon. His sidekick, gruff, hard-drinking , and slightly world-weary Jeff, serves as the perfect counterbalance, and is effectively portrayed by James Anderson, who possesses prodigious stage presence. Natalie Reder?s portrayal of sweet Fiona, who desperately longs for ideal love, is spot-on as well, and Jeff Aguiar truly impresses as the soon-to-be-marreid Charlie Dalrymple. His strong voice, fancy footwork, and enthusiasm make him one of the show?s brightest stars. No one, however, delights or charms more than Erin Tito in her role as the feisty, dare-we-say slutty Meg Brockie. Her uproarious ?rendition of ?The Love of My Life,? a song in which she tries to seduce Jeff and also recounts her past dating woes, sends the audience into gales of laughter.

Despite all the fun and laughs, Brigadoon is a show with real heart, a show about love and faith, and this production fully captures that. Strong vocal talents, lively choreography, and wonderful period costumes reinforce all the wonderful work that is done here. For an uplifting and fully engaging night of theatre, get lost in the land of Brigadoon.

VN:F [1.9.18_1163]

Rating: 4.3/5 (3 votes cast)

Lose Yourself in Brigadoon, 4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings
Tagged as: Brigadoon, Burning Coal Theatre Company, Theatre

Source: http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/2012/09/lose-yourself-in-brigadoon/

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2 bodies recovered from Mount Rainier


Two bodies recovered from Mount Rainier's Paradise Glacier late Friday afternoon are likely members of a group of four climbers that were lost in January, park officials say. The body of a third climber was found nearby in August. Search efforts are continuing.

Park officials said on Thursday, while conducting routine resupply operations to Camp Muir by helicopter, a body was spotted hanging over the edge of a large crevasse on the Paradise Glacier southeast of Anvil Rock. In addition, camping and climbing gear could be seen strewn across the bottom of the crevasse.

The body was partially buried under about 5 feet of snow and clearly had been in place for some time. The site is about a quarter mile east of the standard climbing route and on the other side of a ridge, at about 8,200-foot elevation.

On Friday, climbing rangers retrieved the body of a woman from the crevasse. A man's body was then recovered from under the snow nearby.

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Both individuals were transported by ambulance to the Pierce County Medical Examiner, who will determine their identities and causes of death.

Four climbers in two separate parties were lost in this vicinity during January storms. On Aug. 6, the body of Mark Vucich was found near the climbing route on the Muir Snowfield, about half a mile above Pebble Creek at about 8,000 feet elevation. The bodies recovered Friday are believed to be of those lost in January.

Rangers will return to the site, both on foot and by helicopter, to further investigate what appears to be a large campsite buried under the snow on the edge of the crevasse, in hopes of finding clues to explain what happened and, ultimately, lead to the fourth missing climber.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/08/13749894-2-bodies-recovered-from-mount-rainier?lite

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Chicago teachers, officials resume talks to avert strike

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Negotiations between the Chicago Teachers Union and the nation's third-largest school district were going down to the wire on Sunday, as teachers threaten to strike on Monday over Mayor Rahm Emanuel's demand for sweeping school reforms.

Both sides expressed varying degrees of optimism on Saturday night about chances for a resolution, although school district officials sounded more hopeful than union leaders. School board President David Vitale said he thought the district's latest proposal was "very close" to what was needed for a deal. Talks resume on Sunday morning.

Some 29,000 teachers and support staff could walk off the job on Monday, setting up a confrontation between Emanuel, President Barack Obama's former top White House aide, and organized labor in the president's home city.

Parents have been scrambling to find alternate arrangements for students, and community leaders have begged both sides to come to an agreement and keep children in school.

"We can't afford to have young people in harm's way," said Cy Fields, senior pastor of New Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, located in a violence-torn community on the city's west side. The church plans a pro-education rally on Sunday morning, and is among about 60 churches planning to take in children for safe activities if teachers strike.

Fields said union and school officials should "get into a room and don't come out until the deal gets done."

A protracted stoppage could hurt relations between Obama's Democrats and national labor unions, who are among the biggest financial supporters of the Democratic Party and will be needed by the party to help get out the vote in the November 6 election.

While Emanuel has not attended the talks, he and Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis have clashed. She has accused him of being a bully and using profanity in private meetings.

Lewis said on Saturday night that while the district's position had improved, she would not call it "dramatically improved."

The union opened its strike headquarters on Saturday to hand out strike signs and red union t-shirts.

At issue are teacher pay and school reforms such as tougher teacher evaluations that are at the heart of the national debate on improving struggling urban schools.


Both sides in Chicago agree the city's public schools need fixing. Chicago fourth-grade and eighth-grade students lag national averages in a key test of reading ability, according to the U.S. Department of Education. One union complaint is that class sizes are far too big.

Emanuel, who has a reputation as a tough negotiator, is demanding that teacher evaluations be tied to standardized test results, a move the union is resisting. He also has pushed through a longer school day this year.

Only about 60 percent of high school students in Chicago graduate, compared with a national average of 75 percent and more than 90 percent in some affluent Chicago suburbs.

More than 80 percent of the 402,000 students in Chicago public schools qualify for free lunches because they are from low-income families.

The Chicago Public Schools say they have little room to maneuver on salary, with both the state and the city in dire financial straits. The district has a projected $3 billion deficit over the next three years and faces a crushing burden of pensions promised to retiring teachers.

The Chicago School Board took back a scheduled 4 percent pay raise for teachers last year because of budget problems. Emanuel is offering a 2 percent pay increase annually over the next four years. The union wants the rescinded raise restored, plus higher annual increases.

Jesse Sharkey, vice president of the teachers union, said on Saturday his own two children were attending Chicago Public Schools. He expressed hope the conflict would be resolved without a strike.

"My young one just started kindergarten four days ago, and so there's a lot at stake for all of us," Sharkey said.

(Reporting By Mary Wisniewski; Editing by Peter Cooney)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chicago-school-officials-close-deal-avert-strike-035837863.html

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